
Wednesday 19 October 2011

woyww, my first ever entry!!

well hey there bloggers,
 and for my second post today I decided to pluck up the courage and enter my desk into the woyww..
I don't often craft during the day as I have little Lucy to keep me out of inky mischief, however she went into town with daddy on a rare day off and inkyness called...nothing finished quite,but boy I have made some inkyness today!
so here desk..

Anyway why don't u hop on over and have a nose around other peoples desks..really love looking at what people far cleverer than me are doing.. and where they get inky! WOYWW @

thanks for stopping by, stay a while if you have time
ta trace x


  1. Welcome to WOYWW!! Such a cool desk, love all the hanging ribbons. I've only done a few weeks of WOYWW but everyone's great and always interesting to sneak a peek at other peoples spaces and projects. Thanks for sharing, much love, Jennibellie x

  2. oh just love your desk hun so much lovely crafty things and love all your ribbon,hugs cheryl xx

  3. I love seeing peoples desks too. Nosy lot us crafters, lol. Gorgeous ribbons and the card you're making looks fabulous. I'm also rather partial to your Bagpuss!!! lol.

  4. Anyone who has such gorgeous ribbons on display AND is a Bagpuss fan is ok by me - lol!! I have ribbon envy, want to run my fingers through them and make multi coloured ripples...
    Hugs, LLJ #40 xx

  5. Ooooo Trace look at all those ribbons! You are so organised! Wish I had a desk! Judy x

  6. Gorgeously organised desk, thank you for sharing. Hope you enjoyed a quiet 5 mins crafting xx

  7. You'll be hooked - it only takes one visit! Love the tag on your desk, not to mention all your gorgeous ribbons I can see!!

  8. Thanks for letting me peek at your desk. Love the tag and my two favourite colours of Distress ink - love them.

  9. Oh I love your workspace, those ribbons are fab. Kim

  10. Oooh LOVING the rainbow above your desk! What a great colour inspirstion idea!

    Welcome to WOYWW . I have only been involved with challenge for a couple of weeks myself , so another 'newbie ' here too .

    I am loving this challenge as it's a great way to learn new techniqes as well as get inspiration from others.

    Jackie x

  11. ooooh! gorgeous rainbow of ribbons there all at the ready.
    JoZarty x

  12. Bringing up the rear here - but welcome to WOYWW - great to have you on board when you can! I love the backdrop of colour that your organised ribbons give you, how inspiring. Very much like what you've been working on too - no matter about the finishing - it's the doing and being immersed that counts!

  13. Welcome ...I expect you have been warned that this is adictive ... that time speeds up ... and the week ends up only six days long. lol Great desk what you are up to ...and I love that rainbow of ribbons at the back.

  14. Hi Trace -- I've been looking around and really enjoyed your posts -- like the imagination of wings post and the girl with the bats. It's a beautiful October day here in Louisiana, USA. Hope yours is too. Thanks for the inspiration. It is only my second time with WOYWW and I still haven't taken a pic of my work area cause I'm still posting things I've made over the past week. But I promise, my camera is out cause you've inspired me to do some art journaling. Thanks Terri

  15. Angie is wrong. I am quite certain that there are now at least 2 Wednesdays in each week. Glad you came to join the rest of us, and shared your desk. Those ribbons at the back are really luscius. My Bagpuss sits on the top of the cupboard, keeping his eye on what I am doing.


Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a means a lot..hope you like what you see. Trace x