
Wednesday 26 October 2011

WOYWW, second go I am hooked!...third post buses my posts!!!

Well hey there bloggers,
I entered for the first time last week and officially hooked!! I may not get much crafting done today as the children are on half term but have projects afoot, that lay on my desk awaiting attention!!!!
So here is my desk today...
Then I thought you might like to see what hides above bagpuss and my crafty efforts!!

and one more for luck!!

I cannot wait to hop around and look at other peoples!Why don't you hop over to Julias and have a look and put your desk in the mix at
My crafting  today will be helping my children with crafty projects as James (8) wants to make a mosaic box, Oliver (6) has some air dry clay to play with and Lucy (2), well,she will just get messy I guess, but hopefully a great time will be had by all!!!
have a great day!
ta trace x


  1. What a lovely desk you have there - and how lovely to have a day getting crafty with the children - my 2 dont seem to craft much with me - I tried to convince DS1 (also an Oliver!) he needed some air dry clay to use with his lego figures yesterday but he declined! might try again today (not that I really want it to play with of course!). Have a fab day.

  2. I love your work desk, it looks amazing! Have a happy Wednesday! Mel #59

  3. WOW Trace!!!!! I would never be out of there! lol Look at all those ribbons! Love it! Judy x

  4. Such pretty colours. Glad you enjoyed your first jaunt into WOYWW land it is very addictive. Hope you all have a lovely crafty day must get my 3 year old in on the action later today - get him while he is young!

  5. What a gorgeous workdesk you have, such lovely items all around you to play with - lucky you!!

  6. Love the space and welcome back for a second WOYWW! Have fun with the half term and those kiddos at home. We have half days here too as it is parent confrences week over here. Love all the above the desk storage! Thanks for sharing! -Amanda

  7. I know what you mean about half term crafting...
    Love the pretty ribbons very cute and inspirational. Lokks like a fab busy craft desk to me.
    Im a newbie to its addictive I agree x thanks for the nosy x

  8. Hope you're having a great day playing with the kids, it's great that they want to craft too. Love your desk and all the great supplies you have to hand. And yes, WOYWW is rather addicting!

    Brenda 84

  9. I love the idea of everything being so close to hand, you will find WOYWW addictive and find yourself wondering what others are doing come the weekend!
    Have a lovely crafty week ahead.
    Nina x
    Check out Design Team call on our blog

  10. Its great to craft with the children isn't it? I love that they just get on with it and don't sweat the finished article, its all in the process. Oh to be a child again!

  11. Love all those ribbon colours!! Happy WOYWWing! Lisa Sparkle :)

  12. A rainbow of rippling ribbons!! Very pretty way of storing and decorating your workspace at the same time :) Great multi tasking!!
    Hugs, LLJ #43 xx

  13. Welcome! It is so very fun to hop around Blogland and see what others are up to! Your children are such a great blessing. Enjoy their ages! Mine our now

    Have a wonderful day.


  14. Busy desk and lovely to have everything you need so close. I have children on half term too! Hope they give you some time to get on and finish your projects x

  15. I really love all your ribbons, they are so pretty, with all your photos around. Good to get the children busy crafting for themselves.

  16. I love your workspace! All those gorgeous pretty ribbons hanging down like a colourful waterfall! It all looks so lovely and inspiring to one's creativity. Love your blog background too. I've been doing WOYWW for several weeks now and I agree - it's addictive! Look forward to seeing you around! Happy WOYWW, Shoshi #84

  17. What a wonderful workspace you have. And all these ribbons... On your desk I see a project which is just (?) started, but the colours are great. Also the 'guy' who's possible take place on this card (?) Thanks for visiting me. Bye, Franka

  18. Gorgeous ribbon display! i really have to tidy mine at some point- they are all just lumped into a Really Useful box (or 3) at the moment. But I have a plan.....Sorry I am late visiting, Blogger has been a real pain this week.

  19. Your work desk looks really pretty, love the ribbon display. Hope you all had a crafty time over half term :-)

  20. I love how you have your ribbon sorted by colour! Happy late WOYWWED!

  21. Ok missy, that desk of yours is fab and I love the pretty arrangement of your ribbons and stamps above, but where is all the other stuff hiding!! lol
    Inky times
    Heidi :-)


Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a means a lot..hope you like what you see. Trace x