
Wednesday 9 November 2011

WOYWW ~#127 a seasoned pro!!? NOT!!!!

Hey there bloggers,
well here I am today on the wonderfully addictive woyww desk tour courtesy of Julia @
I am eagerly awaiting hopping around the desks later today..and here is my desk today:
and below is the fab hanging, well i like it,..on the back of the door..just desk wasn't too exciting sorry!!..and some butterflies I stamped on the wall(naughty girl!!) and some draws that have been sanded for me to decorate..sometime!
Well sorry bloggers but not much inky excitement here today, just  a crackled frame on the desk awaiting some tlc...which has been going to my poorly son, hence lack of inky inspiration on my desk...
So, as there is not much of my crafty offerings I thought I would show you my childrens arty books from half term..hope you dont mind?!! So here are my young crafters in half term training!!!
And here are some of their books!!

The top two are james and olivers and the bottom is little Lucys, just two..bless I promise I will be back with some more inkyness of my own  soon..
happy woyww, remember to hop on over @ and have a look around, there are some awesome things to look at and great crafty love around! Why don't you pop your desk on and join the fun!
have a great day
hugs trace x


  1. Those books look just wonderful... what a great project for them and I love your work space... looks super productive xx

  2. Aw Trace aren;t they enjoying themselves! I do hope James is beter soon! You are right to put your family first. Judy x

  3. Looks fabulous! Love the kids' art! Creative kids are happy (and usually messy kids). It is the clean ones that you have to watch out for! LOL! Thanks for sharing your WOYWW! -Amanda

  4. The books look fab i l;ove it when kids get crafty.Have fab wednesday
    hugs judex5

  5. Plenty to keep them busy there! Have a great WOYWW, Helen #1

  6. I’m doing a quick dash round as many desks as I can to see what you’ve all been up to. So much fab creativity going on everywhere I go. It’s really brilliant to see such young artists at work. Keep doing what you do best and have a great week
    Annie x #51

  7. Hi there. Thanks for sharing your creative space with us this week. I hope the rest of the week goes well and creative too!
    Neil #57

  8. Your workdesk looks great - spot that ribbon! Love the snap of the children in 'training' ... they look fully absorbed in what they are doing and the books are brilliant, especially Lucy's :) Have a great week. Elizabeth x #76

  9. awwww... bless, I love to see kiddies playing with paints and stuff... so much nicer than seeing them gawping at the telly or a game (oooh, get me, I am old lol) LOVE that crackled frame... looks fab and can't wait to see how you alter it! Hels #57

  10. oh you must date and keep them! I love to catalogue the kids productions lol

    hope your back to inkyness soon lol

    Have fun

    Happy WOYWW Lou #44

  11. What I love about kids crafting is that they don't stress about colours or detail - they just go for it quite naturally and enjoy the process more than the end result!! Wish I could that sometimes... :)
    Hugs, LLJ #42 xx

  12. Looks like loads of fun happening at your house! Thanks for the peek and sharing. Hope you are having a wonderful WOYWW.

    xoxo Marjo

  13. that's great to see your kids getting arty too! Looks fab fun...thanks for sharing today, Sarah at 13.

  14. Your workspace looks great. I love crafting with kids in my case the grandies. Happy WOYWW
    Carol #119

  15. if that is not exciting i must see it when it is , i love kids crafts. the ribbons hanging down look lovely
    thanks for sharing

  16. Super books produced by your children (Hazel WOYWW #89) x

  17. I like a woman who stamps butterflies on her wall!

  18. Dont you just LOVE childrens art.Love the wall hanging colours ...and the butterflies.

  19. Love crackled frames!! hope to see what you do with it. Kids..they always have fun creating. And it's good time consuming activity!! Enjoy thanks for stopping by my WOYWW..

  20. aw. i miss my girls i wish they were little again.... (still have all their paints in my attic though!) Love the frames great idea. Happy late WOYWW!
    Lyn #66


Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a means a lot..hope you like what you see. Trace x