
Wednesday 16 November 2011

woyww, #128, how hooked am i????and what a mess on the floor!

hey there bloggers,
well here we are Wednesday again?where did my week go?
So here we are again on the fab desk tour of sharing courtesy of Julia over @
Anyways, enough of the old waffle here is my desk today...(well i took the pictures yesterday,butit still looks the same!)
I mean here is my messy desk!!!What a pickle, I used to be a tidy crafter and now..WELL WHAT CAN I SAY..there are piles of inks, stamps on the floor and I am having A BALL!!!! Here is  to messy and happy crafting!!!
Here is a close up of the desk, ..

And here for a bit of excitement, only a piccie of my shelves from a very well known Swedish shop, full of jars of buttons and goodies!

Oh my golly and look at the pile of stamps that are strewn on the floor..naughty naughty!!!
Anyway for more fab fun desks and far more exciting craftiness than me, hop across to woyww @
and why don't you pop your desk on and hop around ( not literally) and feel the crafty love too.x
have a great woyww,
hugs trace x


  1. Nice idea with those shelves to put your stash in. Where else would stamps be but on the floor? LOL!

  2. a great post - lots on the go, the tag looks great so far. Love those shelves - they look just fabulous - I need them! Thanks for sharing today, Sarah at 2.

  3. Your post made me smile today, as I soooo recognise your space - lol!! Helen 12

  4. Nice and tidy just perfect for making a creative mess!
    Happy woywwing
    Jennie #7

  5. Love all your little jars and your lovely creative workspace - Hazel WOYWW #43 x

  6. Hi there; thank you for sharing your place of creativity with us this week, it was great to pop in and visit.
    Neil #58

  7. Ooh would love to have a rummage through that pile of stamps - looks very inviting! Thanks for sharing and have a great week. Sunshine Girl – No 34

  8. Lovely shelving system you have set up. Stylish and purposeful.

  9. Just doing a quick pass through today ... I am going to get everyone visited!!! Fab space and great shelving.
    Happy WOYWW
    Cathy xx #19

  10. Lots of distess inks everywhere!!!
    Have a happy WOYWW!;-)
    Hugs Marleen #10

  11. Well its the most organised 'strewn'-ness I've ever seen. Glad to hear you are having a ball.

  12. Love those shelves - wish I had that much space - and your tags are looking good.
    I'm a bit late today on my journey round the desks (shopping day - new handbag) but am trying to get round as many as I can.

    Ann B #39

  13. Thanks for the peek and sharing. Great storage jars. Hope you are having a great WOYWW,
    xoxo Marjo #109

  14. Looks very tidy to me, love the shelves too...I also have 'stuff' on the floor lol :O) Viv xx

  15. Thanks for passing by x

    looks like you have fun while crafting lots of lovely space !

    have a great week !
    Fuchsia @ 87

  16. Those storage jars are very cute. I think you are in good company on here regarding expanding your work beyond the scope of your desk - I made it half way up the stairs the other week! Thanks for sharing!

  17. aha! (comment box is now working yay!!) Love your space and i do have some of those little jars, you can't have too many! Yay for Ikea! (sorry if I've already said that!)
    HaPpY WoYwW!?!
    ((Lyn)) #53

  18. Oops! If you think that's messy, you should see mine - or maybe not, he, he - I create in absolute chaos, I'm afraid, but it works for me!!

  19. Aha - nice shelves there. But I really need to see a close up of your button jars..I've got a real thing about shiny buttons and bling, you see :D
    Hugs, LLJ #45 xx

  20. I love that your desk has the extra little shelf. Cool idea to use the jars! Happy WOYWW #18 ~Robin Panzer Art Studio 33

  21. Love your organisation - your room looks beautiful. Happy WOYWW a bit late - Hugs, Neet #9

  22. Lovely Ikea house is furnished from Ikea. They have an answer for all the crafty storage don't they? :-) Happy crafting.
    A x

  23. Your desk is a mess?.........I think not.
    You can actually see the surface of your desk which is a pretty rear sight in my room. Still, you have lots of potential whip up a storm in a crafting frenzy.

    Love all your little pots.

    Happy Crafting!
    Sue (#65)

  24. That desk isn't messy at all! It's mildly, and only very slightly, untidy! Love the storage shelves, looks like you need some more, and while you're at it get something to put those poor stamps on, lol!!

    Brenda 86

  25. That is such a tidy desk. I love all those little jars of buttons.

  26. hahaha its so funny how we think our desk is messier than everyone elses until we really go visiting, I reckon mine is messier than yours if you look at a few WOYWW's back. Love those shelves for your bottles on the wall
    Bridget #29

  27. For being number 1 this week, I'm awfully late visiting. I'm so sorry I'm late, but, after a computer crash I had to stop by and get a bit of inspiration from your work space. Then I realized you have more stamps on your floor than I own to my name. What awesome shelves, though.

  28. I'm sure you're not the only one. Our office can also get messy, especially when workload accumulates over the week and people are too busy with work to organize. Ideally, you should organize your materials and papers along the way, but if you can set a date to clean up, then that would be okay.

    - Willaude Gore


Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a means a lot..hope you like what you see. Trace x