
Wednesday 23 November 2011

woyww #129.....where is my desk?

Hey there bloggers,
well here is that time of the week where we all have a sneaky peek around blogland desks, full of glorious craftiness courtesy of our hostess Julia @ here is, i mean here is my  ermm, well, not my desk but as good as it gets!!!
As some of you will know, who pop here often my son no 1(James) has been off school for nearly three weeks and now son no 2(Oliver) has decided to get in on the act (Lucy is thrilled!!)..just as son no 1 is fit for school, she says crossing her fingers......still here?!! so my desk has become anywhere and anytime I can grab some craftiness, hence the kitchen worktop and even on the top of the cooker!!
The kitchen is thrilled as it is the most creative i am ever likely to get!!!cooking is so NOT my forte!!
Anyway hope you are all having a great week and will be hopping around, not literally, desk hopping later.
Hop across to julias to see all the fabby workplaces and awesome creativity..@ and share some love!There is lots of crafty love out there in blogland.
have a great woyww
hugs Trace x


  1. Oooh you sound like me I craft on the basis of a few mins here and there and all around the house there are crafty bits and pieces too! and also I dont cook either if I can help it! Hope DS2 is feeling better soon. Thanks for sharing. Sunshine Girl – No 19

  2. Tee hee... I am really understanding that bit about crafting if and when!!! Hope they all get better soon... thanks for your nice supportive comments

  3. oh hope,they get better soon hun love your creative desk,lots too see on there take care hun hugs cherylxxxx

  4. Hi Trace love your flowers you are making they look delish! At least when you move your craft space around you have to tidy up after you, I have a craft room and I can never find anything because there is never a pressure on me to tidy up after myself!! Hope your brood are soon recovered! Susan x

  5. Very inventive and love the flowers. Hope the tribe gets fit soon...
    Happy WOYWW, from no 8

  6. Cooker top as crafting space must be a first. Love your flowers and I spy Christmas stamps.
    Ann B

  7. Hi there. Thanks for letting us peek into your creative space this week. It's always inspiring seeing where and how we create! Hope the rest of your week goes very well for you. Hope everyone feels better soon!
    Neil #31

  8. Crafting if and when is also like me this morning both daughters ill at home.Wishing yours speedy recovery
    Have fab wednesday pop by as i have candy up for grabs hugs judex 18

  9. Looks like a bug going around as there seems to be a few people off sick, hope your DS is feeling better soon! I would hate the putting it all away between times but at least you get a few minutes of crafting done!! Annette #11

  10. Crafting in the kitchen of the non-food type would never do. Have you seen me with glitter or perfect pearls? If they got in the stew or brownies Hubby would not be impressed. And I could never be bothered to put it all away so it would be chippie dinners which would not assist the weight loss! Thanks for your visit. Monkey says Hi!!

  11. You sound like you have been busy with the children. Hope they feel well soon. Love how you still manage to create on the move LOL. Cooking is not my forte either, snap. Love your card below too. Tracy x

  12. Love your desk! Thanks for letting me look around! Hope all are well soon!

  13. You deserve a gold star! Crafting on the cooker...LOL!!! There's always a first here on WOYWW. Hope the fam bam feels better soon.

  14. What a lovely lot of creative space going on there, Trace! Hope the family recovers soon. Thanks for your comment on my blog. Although I still feel rough, I think I am on the mend now. You saying "there's a lot of it about" reminded me of what my dad always says "You're suffering from ALOIA fever" which sounds like some dreadful flesh eating disease from central Africa till you look at the acronym! Lol. Happy WOYWW, Shoshi #70

  15. Hope your children all feel better soon, your crafty stash looks great what super stamps, I used to craft in the kitchen until one of my kids moved out. Have a great Wednesday. Laura

  16. Hey, whatever works for you, works! Three weeks off school, that's tough all round. Hope life gets back to normal soon, or at least whatever normal might mean to you!! At least you've got the right idea, carry on crafting!

    Brenda 82

  17. I think ironing boards and stove tops are so over rated for ironing and cooking and using them as crafting spots makes so much more sense! Have a great week and thanks for sharing. Vickie #64

  18. Nothing like boys to keep you on your toes - mine is (ahem) (let's just say) "grown up now" but when I do see him he has me on my toes.
    Hope all is soon well with you and they are all back at school and you can create in less areas.
    Thanks for sharing - Hugs, Neet x

  19. kitchen crafting is all about modelling good out of the box thinking for the kiddies isn't it... anyone can cook in a kitchen, but can anyone make amazing stuff... don't think so... more fun being the amazing one!!

  20. Crafting anywhere is good when needs must! Poor old James, he must be getting fed up too :(
    Hugs, LLJ #39 xx

  21. Love your ability to craft on the fly! LOL about creativity in the kitchen! Love it! Thanks for sharing your WOYWW! -Amanda#7

  22. I have a feeling you are not alone at spreading out your crafty stash when in full flow :-)
    Hope the children are back to full health very soon for you.
    A x

  23. Am so impressed that you are up to carrying stuff in and out to the kitchen so that you can grab some crafty dedicated!

  24. Hoping the kiddies, workspace and crafting can soon return to normal but good for you grabbing the time you can - enjoy the minuts! Thanks for sharing a little of your life and desk! Sarah at 14

  25. I've crafted on the cooker before! (we're sooo sad...must craft, no matter what!)Have a great week! HaPPy WoYWw!

  26. Lovely to see you are managing to craft under difficult conditions...a true crafter ! Happy WOYWDW :O) Viv xx

  27. Oh poor you!! no 1 son has just come home poorly, so I do feel for you!!

    who needs to cook in a kitchen? surely it would be a better craft room anyway?

    Happy WOYWW
    Lou #41

  28. Sorry bit late been going round in stages !!
    you can cook up a great crafting menu in the kitchen !
    Hope DS is well soon xxx
    have a great week
    Fuchsia 98

  29. Awww.....droooool..... Stampers Anonymous stamps.... flowers.......

    I think I've hopped too many blogs......


Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a means a lot..hope you like what you see. Trace x