
Wednesday 7 December 2011

Woyww #131, Tims tags in bits!!

Hey there bloggers,
Well is it really Wednesday?It is the time to hop around desks to see other peoples work spaces and crafty creations. I have had an amazingly inspiring week  looking at Tim's tags for Christmas, but a frustrating and slow crafty week as now the boys are better, little Lucy now has been poorly for a week and has an ear infection, so my desk is Tim's tags in bits!!! Here it is:
Even the cooker crafting of a few weeks ago is slow and I am suffering from crafty withdrawal!!! So it is short and sweet from me today, here's hoping that I catch up with all my tags, blogging and my little brood get well! Santa is very behind!!! Have a happy woyww! Make sure you pop over to  courtesy of Julia to see all the fab crafty spaces and craftiness going on!!!
Have a great inky day,
Thanks for stopping by
Hugs trace x


  1. Just had to join your blog. Love your wonderful tag craft production on your desk!

  2. The path of life never runs smooth! Poor old girlie of yours, hope she feels better soon. The tags will get done eventually and if they're a bit late then they're late. Don't panic :)
    Hugs, LLJ #3 xx

  3. aw hope she's better soon, Every one's doing tags, I am feeling left out now! Thanks for my snoop! Have a great crafty week, HaPpY WoYwW!!
    (((Lyn))) #31

  4. Aww shame she is poorly... glad you are finding time for tims tags... no time for me unfortunately!!! Great desky space

  5. Ooohh! Looks like some Timmy Crafty Goodness is busy playing in your space! Thanks for sharing!!! -Amanda #17

  6. Aw poor Lucy, ear infections to boot, horrid, and very time consuming for mummy. I remember it well. Good luck with the tags..they'll keep though, you can do them at leisure really! ( I. Know, I'm sniggering at the idea of you having leisure time too)

  7. Horrid things ears when they get all yucky. Poor Lucy, I hope she's feeling better very soon.
    Your tags in bits will soon be whole and looking amazing I'm sure and don't worry, Santa will sort out Christmas on time, he always does.
    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lisax #61

  8. Oh no hope she is feeling better soon - I havent been able to catch up with the last two tags either and both of them are half done and in bits on my desk too!

  9. Hope your little girl is better soon. Miserable for her... You'll get your tags finished eventually, even if you don't manage to keep up with Tim! I love your desk with the cascade of colourful ribbons hanging down! Enough to brighten any dull day! Happy WOYWW, Shoshi #56

  10. How painful earache can be, hope it soon clears up and all the children are well (they HAVE to be for Christmas).
    Well, if your Timmy tags are in bits they are a few stages on from mine - I keep saying "tomorrow ..." but something gets in the way. Love that shelf on your desk by the way.
    Take care - Hugs, Neet #1 x

  11. Hope that ear infection soon clears up, they are so painful. Make sure you take good care of yourself, these children are so generous with their bugs and ailments. Don't worry about those tags, they will get done soon. Maggie #33


Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a means a lot..hope you like what you see. Trace x