
Wednesday 1 February 2012

Woyww #139.....a lonesome desk!!!

Hey there bloggers,
Well it is that time of the week where curtesy of Julia, our hostess with the mostess we hop around the crafty spaces in blogland!!!so here is mine:

Life has definitely made adventures in blogland difficult this week, my eldest is still off school and then no HEATING!!!! So sorry it has been quiet, my fingers are crossed that heat will be restored today, I hope!!! so,I have not been meant to craft this week and everything that could have stopped me , probably has!!!!so it is just my lonely desk....waiting for some inkiness and crafty mess to descend!!!
Hope you have had a more successful crafty week!!!
Make sure you hop across to Julias to see all the fab crafty spaces in blogland,
Have a fab inky day
Hugs trace x
Off to get hopping!!!!


  1. Hi Tracey... what a fab tidy desk and brilliant ribbon storage! Daren't show mine! LOL

    And sometimes it's good to have a rest (even an enforced chilly one!!) - gives Mr Mojo a kick start when you get back to it! LOL

    Christine x

  2. hope you get the heating sorted before the chilly spell arrives tomorrow well think ours has already arrived snow forecast tonight me thinks.Thermals out!Happy wednesday and have creative week hugs judex55

  3. Oh poor you! Why does it always wait till it's really really cold for heating to pack up! Hope you get some warm crafty time soon.... I still love your ribbon rack though!! I admire it every week.

  4. Hope you get some time to craft soon and you get your heating sorted out! I am offering up some blog candy so come leave a comment on my blog and get a chance to win! Thanks for sharing and have a great week. Vickie #87

  5. What a colourful desk, hope your heating gets sorted. Enjoy this WOYWW. Zo x 89

  6. Look on the bright side, it's nice and tidy for when you have time!

    Curse all things that get in our way, I know that feeling so well


  7. Nice clear desk something I never have lol... love the ribbons though fabulous xx

  8. oh hope its fixed for you, cooooollllllddd
    lovely creative area, xx Happy WOYWW hun, hoping to get to post on blogs this week, as it didnt let me last week!!

    Lou P

  9. Hope your heating is fixed today, its a shame that life sometimes puts a stop to our playtime! Hope you manage to have a 'warm' crafty week xLoux

  10. What a lovely desk and gorgeous ribbon storage, I love all the pretty colours on display! I do hope you manage to get your heating fixed, especially as it is so cold ATM.

    Have a fab WOYWW and a great week, Karen #108

  11. What a gorgeous desk with all that ribbon storage. I am sorry to hear about your lack of heat. Happy WOYWW. I'm offering free altered book classes on my blog, so drop by if you are interested. I'm # 30 this week.

  12. I just noticed you had already been by. Too early in my world, I guess.

  13. a clean desk feels nice sometime i'm sure!

  14. thanks for this week's crafty snoop..looks like a fun creative space...loving all those ribbons...happy WOYWW...hugs kath (63)

  15. Lovely clean desk, lovin the ribbon storage, have a great week Hugs May x x x

  16. Brilliant Ribbon storage, I'm finding keeping mine in a draw just isn't working out all that well. Hope you get to make something cool on that desk soon :) Shell xx

  17. Hi ya
    lovely tidy desk, oh look at all your lush ribbon hope your heating is soon fixed, thanks for the mooch, happy WOYWW,sue,x(54)

  18. Hope your heating is fixed by the time you read this. Next week will be better......I feel it in my bones!!


  19. Ooo I do like all those ribbons. Hope you have some heating! Kim

  20. love how colorful your ribbon storage is! Danielle #22

  21. hope your heating is sorted out soon and you can get back to your craft desk!
    Have a great week!
    Happy WOYWW Debxx #8

  22. Ooh Tracey, you need to start a round robin tour of friends and family if the heating isn't fixed today...toooooooo cold! Don't worry about your desk being prefers to wait, tidily and patiently for you, than have an interloper or a two minute her and there type of attention!

  23. I love the ribbon rainbow - how nice to work there with that in front of you! x Jo #69

  24. Hope you get your heating sorted pronto - it's too chilly not to have any at all... Lots of tidy space for when you have time (and heat) to craft :)
    Hugs LLJ #68 xx

  25. Love your desk and all the ribbons hung up ready to be used - hope you have heat soon x

  26. Hope you get the heating fixed soon and that your eldest improves. Love all the ribbons -(Hazel, WOYWW #10) x

  27. That little shelfy bit is it built in on your desk? Looks great!

  28. well, for the last month we've been staying with hubby's sister and her house is soooo hot I feel like I've been cooked and over done!! Its so hot we open the windows at night even if there's a frost! Great ribbons! Happy WOYWW

  29. Hope you get your heat back, nothing worse than being cold! Love the colorful ribbons.

  30. Love the ribbon--I'm definitely a ribbon junkie.

  31. What lovely, shimmery beads.
    Hope your heat gets repaired soon!

  32. Such pretty ribbons decorating your desk. Hope the heating gets sorted.

  33. No heating! How are you coping. Mind you I'm of an age when central heating was just not an option and if it was really, really cold we had frost on the inside of the windows. Couldn't cope with that now, especially as I developed a cold yesterday - that's why I'm late getting round the desks.
    Ann B

  34. I love love love all those ribbons hanging from the wall. Fabulous!

  35. I love the happy colours of the ribbons hanging on your wall, would love to do that but it would be such an invite to the cats to play that I dare not!!

  36. Lovely tidy desk, but it sounds like it's tidy for the wrong reasons! Hope the heating gets fixed soon, I heard it's a bit chilly in England at the mo!!

  37. I hope you get your heating sorted out - it's far too cold to do with out!
    Doing the woyww rounds, looks like it's gonna take a while!


  38. Hope you soon get some heating on. Brr. it's too cold to be without. Lovely desk, great ribbon hanger.
    Thanks for sharing - Hugs, Neet 151 xx

  39. uh oh, I have ribbon envy now lol Sorry am late, doing a mahoosive catch up today :O))


Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a means a lot..hope you like what you see. Trace x