
Wednesday 15 February 2012

Woyww #141, I have been crafting!!!!yippee!!!!

Hey there,
Well it that time of the week again , where courtesy of Julia, our hostess we get the chance to desk hop around blogland to see all the fab crafty spaces and creations this week!!!it is what makes Wednesday's great!
So here is mine..
I have had a birthday recently, and was a very lucky girl and here are some of my goodies from hubbie and the children!!! also you can see some porcelain roses that i made playing with my melt pot!!

I have also added a picture of what is above all this ribbons and for those of you you who liked my stamped butterfly,here are where the others felt very naughty but great at the same time!!!!

I have had lots of crafty time the weekend just gone and loved playing with some of my new and some of my old toys!! Hope you have all had a good week, thanks for stopping by , hope I got back to most if not all of you...I will aim to do that this week but with half term I may be slower!!!
Well enough waffle, off to get hopping!!
Make sure you pop across to see all the fab places, thanks Julia!!!

Have a fab, fun and inky day
Hugs trace x
Thanks for stopping By and for all the lovely comments,they make my day!!!!
Have a good one!


  1. Ooh, do I espy some SA stamps there? I do love seeing your working area and I think there is a new butterfly fluttering up the wall - is this what you meant in your blogging?
    Don't forget to call in if you haven't already and check out my blog candy - it closes late tonight and I should be drawing tomorrow. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Neet 29

  2. Those stamps look just wonderful and I love what's above your ribbon collection. Makes me feel greedy!

  3. Hello! I like your crafty space! Those beautiful flovers and ribbons! I wish i could have so much rubbbons.. *_* ;)

    Happy WOYWW!

    Olga x

  4. love the new stamps and how you store your ribbon, love the storage, and shelfs, i could do with some of those! great workspace, Happy WOYWW 141, thank you for sharing with us, currently #52 at WOYWW

  5. Love your space, and your roses are beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

  6. WOW lots of fun things to play with on your desk. I happen to love all your butterflies and need to make some of my own! Hope you have a great week and thanks for sharing. Don't forget my blog candy is still up for grabs so drop by and leave a comment and make sure you are a follower. Vickie #64

  7. Good morning; just having a quick pop my head round the door moment, before I have to get on with all my chores! Lovely to see what you are up to this week. Your work space looks like a fun place to be!
    Neil #49 or thereabouts!

  8. One day.....I will sort my ribbons! lol
    Dot x

  9. I love the roses and your desk looks so festive with all the ribbons and butterflies.

  10. I love sneaking around the workdesks of the crafting world, yours is wonderful, I love the ribbons! Karen 96 x

  11. Some wonderful birthday goodies on your desk, those roses are Fabulous, Enjoy!! Have a great week, Hugs May x x x

  12. Beautiful roses. I never got round to making some of these but I definitely want a go now I have seen yours. Love the photos of the two boys as well, especially the one of them pulling faces - so cute.
    Ann B

  13. ...oooo those porcelain roses look amazing & so lovely that you made them yourself...have a fab week....Mel :) so pleased you liked your award, very much deserved... :)

  14. Those roses look fabulous, oh lots of lovely goodies on the shelves, would like to play with all those gorgeous stamps Hope you have a great week Lou @ # 91

  15. happy birthday, love your goodies! your butterflies look fabulous!
    Happy WOYWW! Debxx#9

  16. Happy belated birthday Tracey, lovely new goodie to play with. Love the butterflies and the busy shelves. I'm not a brilliant knitter by any means, but I am like a dog with a bone once I start something!!

    Brenda 6

  17. love to see your creative desk!
    Happy Wednesday :-)
    Hugs Marleen #45

  18. the butterflies you stamped on the wall! Who cares if they are naughty cause they look great! Would also love a better look at the porcelin roses that you made!! enjoyed peeking in on your desk and waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  19. Your B'day goodies are great. Good to hear there are more husbands who understand us! Great TH stamps. I can understand you're glad you've had some time to play. Happy WOYWW. Bye, Franka

  20. A belated happy birthday and it sounds and looks like you enjoyed it. It's great to get craft stash instead of smellies and chocs!
    Thanks for visiting me!
    joZarty x

  21. Nice to get new goodies for your birthday. Love those roses you made in the melting pot. (Hazel, WOYW #138) x

  22. Nice to play with your new goodies - clever DH and children! Those roses are very pretty - were they difficult to make??
    Hugs, LLJ #72 xx

  23. Looking good, like the stamps! Have a fun half term. Kim

  24. Every week I see your ribbon hanging so beautifully and think that I must organise mine like that....have I done it yet.....of course not. I'll be back next week for my ribbon reminder!!!

  25. Is that a Ford Anglia I see on that shelf? Ours was yellow and was really reliable for several years. I hope you have a wonderful time playing with all those new goodies. xx Maggie #100

  26. Did you stamp on the wall? Ooooh! How decadent! How fun that you got great crafting goodies for your birthday--more to play with it always a good thing. Thanks for sharing a higher view of your play area, it's nice to see what is up there. Happy creating!

  27. Belated happy birthday and how great to get new crafty goodies for your birthday! Happy crafting and happy WOYWW! Hugs, Joanna xx

  28. Gorgeous roses, and what a lot of lovely ribbons you have! Patsy from

  29. Great looking stamps! The roses also look cute! Care to share how you made them? Dani28

  30. What a great crafting area and your roses look really good.

  31. You've got so much yummyness to spy at! Those roses are gorgeous! There's another thing to add to my want/need list - a melt pot!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!


  32. Stamps, ribbons and lots to play with! Take care, thanks for sharing & enjoy this WOYWW. Zo xx 86

  33. Never thought about wanting a melt pot, but things change..very tidy desk.Thank you for my snoop! Have a lovely crafty week HaPpY wOyWw!!
    ((Lyn)) #15

  34. I love the butterflies on the walls! I'd probably feel naughty stamping on the walls too, but it also sounds really fun!

    Sorry to be a day late, I spent all day yesterday on the phone dealing with a Valentine's Day gift that wasn't delivered!
    Happy What's on Your Workdesk Thursday!
    Katie #21

  35. Sounds like you had a great time!

    thanks ofr sharing

    Debs #150

  36. Happy belated birthday! Looks like you got spoiled. I want to come play with your stamps, and what a great ribbon idea.

  37. Happy birthday...sorry I am so waylaid with life!
    Better late than never...with so many posts, it takes time to get to everyone..Looks like lots of interesting things on your desk to play with.

  38. Lovely Roses you've made , and what a fab collection of ribbons you have.


Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a means a lot..hope you like what you see. Trace x