
Wednesday 28 March 2012

Crafting in the kitchen for WOYWW #147, I am back though not in my craft room!!!

Hey there,
Well it is that wonderful mid week time where we desk hop crafty spaces courtesy of our hostess it is the time of the week where we share our crafty, spaces, places and goodly arty mess!!
Well I am glad to be back in blogland after the sad events of last month and looking forward to seeing everyones places.I have eldest son at home again with an ear infection and hubbie is super busy at work, so crafting is on an as and when basis, hence the crafty kitchen, as my desperate need to craft and catch up with some of Tim's tags from day seven took over!!!
So here is my crafty , kitchen space, as yesterday,

I have to say it is the most creative I ever get in the kitchen as cooking and things are not my strong point!!!!!!

Anyway, make sure you pop across and see all the fab crafty places courtesy of Julia, here.

Have a fab, fun and inky day
Hugs trace x


  1. Great looking tag, hope you get back to your craft room soon. Helen, 9

  2. Love the look of your tag, it looks lovely. I hope you can get back into your craft room soon [[hugs]].

    Have a great WOYWW and a fab week, Luv Karen #91

  3. Now that's a good use for a bread board!!!! Enjoy WOYWW and hope everything gets better soon. Karen 117 x

  4. Love the look of your tag.Don't you love getting Inky
    Have fab wednesday and creative week ahead hugs judex 67

  5. Great tag, creative kitchen, a fab place I reckon! Take care & enjoy this weeks snoop of WOYWW desks. Zo xx 77

  6. Love that your are crafting in your kitchen! That's about as creative as I'd get in mine too! Sorry your son is unwell - earache is just horrid. Happy WOYWW x

  7. ...sorry to hear your little boy is poorly ear infections are so painful...great that you've got a spot in the kitchen for projects...looking back through your blog you've made some gorgeous Tags through Tim's class, loVe the water colour flower effect...keep smiling...Mel :)

  8. Hope you get your room back soon, and your little boy makes a speedy recover ( bless him) Lovin all your tags fabulous,... Have a good week, Hugs May x x x No14

  9. its a case of needs must at times so well done on carrying on crafting,hope your son is better soon,have a great week :)

  10. It's just not fair when life gets in the way of crafting. I hope your son gets better soon. Have fun with making the tags. I've just recently started making ATCs and am excited about them. Such cute little pieces of art!

    Happy WOYWW

    Hee hee -- two "Kay" comments right in a row -- different people though!

  11. Hey, where ever you can work, that's your work desk, right?


  12. Love the crafty kitchen space, lol...sounds like something I would do! Hope your boy feels better soon! waving hi from my balcony in the hills of North Carolina :)

  13. Hi, any space is craft space in my book lol. happy woyww. Rach #101 xxx

  14. Your Tag looks great. Hugs from Scotland. Rita xx

  15. Hope your son is soon over his ear infection, Trace. Love your crafty kitchen! Try and remember not to bake your stamps in the oven lol!!

    Thanks for your comment on my blog, and glad you like the zentangles.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #12

  16. Well, your temporary craft room is looking neat. Hope things get better and work out for you soon. Hugs, Neet #5 xx

  17. Good Morning! Still trying to make all the rounds to the desks. looks like that tag is going to rock love the stamps

  18. I must admit I craft anywhere!Kitchen at the moment has more sun shine! Craft stuff in this house is everywhere...even the loo seat (put down of course!) has been know to have a pile of crafty books! Thanks for my snoop this week, bit late, as I'm a slow reader and an even slower typist! Have a great crafty week! HaPpY WoYwW!

  19. Love the use of your bread board, never thought to use mine like that. LOL Hmmm this has got me thinking....


  20. Aw bless you, it's always when it's the hardest time that you want to break out and craft! Alcohol inks and that lovely shiny white grouting on the wall - makes me nervous already, but I guess you are much cleaner and tidier than me! Hope the Calpol is doing the trick - greatest ever invention for kids!

  21. Glad I'm not the only one who is days behind on Tim's class...
    Sophie no.183

  22. As long as you get to create I don't think it matters where you're sitting ;D
    Your tag looks great. I hope your son's over his ear infection now. I'm a little late visiting but thanks for letting me take a peek.
    Neesie #30


Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a means a lot..hope you like what you see. Trace x