
Wednesday 25 April 2012

a little bit of not a lot..for woyww #151 and some squeaky new additions!

hey there,
well it is that mid week time of the week again, where courtesy of Julia, we hop, fly, whizz around the crafty spaces and places in blogland.So without further ado, here is mine:

sorry same photo as last week nothing has changed!!
well after last weeks tidy up my spruced up workspace has been played upon, road tested and I am plaesed to sya is great!!! but all the crafty goodies and creations have been squirrelled away back into there new founds homes, aren't I good!! well not always the floor at the other end hides all the bits I don't know where to put..yet?!!!
see i am not that good!!!
but before i go , meet the new squeaky additions to our family...we only went for a hamster!!!
they are , as james , oliver and lucy have named and chosen.....finn, lewis, goofy, flash and zippy!!!

so short and sweet from me today...
I never make it all the way round , just randomly dabble and try to visit all the kind people who visit me, hope I succeeded?!
have a fab fun an inky day..
make sure to pop across to Julia's here to see all the fab crafty spaces!
hugs trace x


  1. great craft space Hun and love the new additions to the family so cute hugs Cherylxxxxxx

  2. Oh my goodness - will they multiply? they are so cute,

    dx @98

  3. lovely neat and tidy craft space................. there may be more new little furry let us know
    jackie 46 Scrap Bang wallop

  4. Glad to see another clean work desk. The great thing about clean desks is.... you can start with a new project and put all the new needed stuff on it. For me it feels like a party every time :-) Love your little friends. Have a happy WOYWW. Bye, Franka #9

  5. i love the tags on the wall
    vicky #104 woyww

  6. Lovely tidy space, and über cute hamsters!

    Happy Wednesday!

    Zoe #49

  7. Love the hamsters, are you going to alter them or have you already trained them to tidy up after a craft session and that is why your desk is so neat and tidy?

    Thanks for visiting my blog earlier - much appreciated

    Ann B

  8. Golly, HOW many!!! Have a fun day. Helen. 22

  9. Fab space and cutie little new additions LOL
    enjoy your week x

  10. Such a neat desk and I love your new little friends - so cute!

  11. Great craft space, it is so neat and tidy! Gorgeous little hamsters, they are all so cute!

    Have a great WOYWW and a fab week, Luv Karen xx #75

  12. Are they hamsters or small guinea pigs? I couldn't work it out! They are very cute though, lovely faces - good luck!!
    Hugs, LLJ #33 xx

  13. Gosh, I am glad you did not go out to buy a dog, goodness knows what you may have come back with. Your new additions are simply gorgeous and they look so cuddly. Anne #61

  14. Love your new additions too. Hugs Rita 67 xx

  15. Whats the difference between Hampsters and Guinea Pigs? and that workspace is too clean, mess it up girl and have some fun. Thanks for visiting my desk too.

    Eliza #26

  16. let's put it this way: you're very good at pretending you're good! ;)
    and the new family members look sooo cute!
    have a happy week

  17. What sweet furry friends! OH, and I love, love, love your crafty space with those butterflies! Beautiful!

    Happy WOYWW!
    Nadia 117

  18. Love the squeakers! It's been ages since I've had guineas. I had one (called Squeak) that used to climb up my sleeves and go to sleep!!
    Laura #111

  19. Love love the cubbies right there on the desk very NICE! Loving your new family additions as adorable as their names!
    Happy WOYWW

  20. Lovely tidy area, still in love with the butterflies going up the wall. x

  21. aaww your guinea pigs are so cute
    thanks for visiting my blog
    have a crafty week and
    happy woyww
    kay #98

  22. So tidy!!!

    Love the new additions also,
    Happy WOYWW


  23. Awwww what cute little hams! Nice tidy space! I do envy people who can keep their spaces that tidy. *sigh* Just not the way I roll! *lol* Happy WOYWW! Warmly, Tracy #100

  24. Lovely desk Trace.... welcome to the cute little guinea pigs so sweet.... Have a great week, Hugs May x x x No10

  25. Lovely craft space you have and the new additions look so cute
    Anne-marie no 85

  26. Hi Trace - how long will your neatness last I wonder. Are you on cage cleaning duties because they look like a handful of potential escapees to me :-) Thanks for popping by Happy WOYWW to you Helen 125

  27. aw, guinea pigs are sooo cute and they are more family minded than hamsters, well mine were, and they don't have so many babies at once! and they're born running around! Fabulous! Love their names! Thank you for my snoop! Have a lovely crafty week!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Late this week! #102

  28. Guinea pigs! I want one! I so do want one. The hubby says no but I have a hamster named Stacey Stinkeye (who has a bum eye). He finally did say I could have a piggie but we've learned that while the other cats respect mommie's hamster and know she is not a toy, Poppy (in today's post) does not. I would fear for a guinea pig in Poppy's presence. How sweet your new additions are. And yes, I'm impressed that you've played with your goodies and put everything back. I've been known to do that at least once or twice in my lifetime.

  29. so cute! My DH refuses to let me get any other pets then the 2 cats we have. I would love a hamster and a bird but...I also want to keep the old fart around. Have a great week and thanks for commenting on my blog! Vickie #41

  30. It all looks so organised. Well done ;)
    Are all your critters the same sex??? I think there could be a few more additions if not!
    Have fun with WOYWW.
    Thanks for sharing and visiting me ~ Neesie #45

  31. Super cute hammies! Super desk too. Take care, enjoy this WOYWW, am still working through the list, doing so in shifts with suitable snacks to munch on! Zo xx 77

  32. Wow, super cuties. Sandra #17

  33. squeaky but sweet and a great looking crafty space! Have a creative week and happy WOYWWing... Sarah at 12.

  34. squeaky but oh so sweet and a great crafty space! Have a creative week and happy WOYWWing... Sarah at 12.

  35. I looked at your two other posts with the tags - love them all! In the US we call those guys guinnea pigs. I had one when I was a kid and would get a kick out of some of the squealing that would come out of Pancho. He was black and white and swirls of hair. Very cute.

    Thanks for visiting me. I'm going to be popping in on WOYWW posts through the weekend.

    Kay #144

  36. What a lovely organised workspace, all ready to play! Love the new additions ... sooo cute! Thanks for sharing Liz no 194

  37. I love the tags you are displaying on the wall!
    The hamsters are cute too. ;)

    Susan nr 92

  38. You are go do...even keeping your immediate work area is a good and annoying noble!!! How sweet are those squeakers, I really love the little pets, guineas are so good.

  39. Love that "lifted up bit" on your desk - the bit with the curve cut out - what a brilliant idea.
    Great hamsters, hope they all get on well.
    Sorry I am so late - you will see why in my next WOYWW posting. Thanks for visiting and for sharing. Hugs, Neet #3 xx
    ps last call for my blog candy - closes tomorrow

  40. My goodness but your desk is super clean!
    Happy belated WOYWW


Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a means a lot..hope you like what you see. Trace x