
Wednesday 30 May 2012

a not so tidy desk and some spinners for woyww #156

Hi there,
well it is that magical midweek journey around blogland courtesy of our hostess with the mostess Julia..
It is happy third anniversary for woyww, so there is an atc swap in place too for those who want too..mine is still being done but will be done for fri!!!
So here is my desk this week:

Not such a tidy space, but happy and crafty none the less!!
I have been making lots of tags and lots of inky backgrounds and there is an ever growing pile of stamps on the floor!

Then , aren't i lucky i have some fab new spinners that Hubbie got from Jennie at The Artistic Stamper, thanks you!!!!!!

Well short and sweet as I am off to hop, jump and skip around blogland!!!Make sure you hop across here to see all the crafty spaces.

have a fab, fun and inky day!!!


  1. Hi Trace, lucky girl having two spinners - great hubby for getting them! I love your (new) stamps too. You have got me next to you, I have done a few ATC's, please feel free to pick one that you like and then email me at with your address. Happy WOYWW, Anne #38

  2. Hi Trace, looks like I need to send you my address (if I have got this right?). Couldn't find your e-mail on your blog but you will have mine now. BJ #40

  3. thanks so very much for popping over and wow! do so love those spinners too! and well done you! happy WOYWW! Shaz in oz.x

  4. Love your desk this week.
    Judy #51

  5. Spinners look brill!Did you know that you can unscrew them to layer them up? Have a great day
    Happy woyww anniversary
    Jennie #11

  6. I have a second spinner on order, can't wait! Good luck getting your ATC swaps done quickly, have a great WOYWW, Helen 8

  7. Ooh lucky you, though I don't own enough tools to warrant a spinner...yet! Take care & enjoy this special WOYWW anniversary! Zo xx 43

  8. Happy WOYWW Anniversary Trace. What a fab workspace you have and now two fab spinners. There are some very interesting stamps there too! Crafty Hugs....Annie :)

  9. Hi there, just popping in to wish you a happy WOYWW 3rd anniversary! Who would have thought it would grow to be such a weekly treat for us all to catch up and see so much inspiring creativity! Here's toasting the next year.....

  10. Ooh! I love the spinners! I'll have to send my hubby searching Jennie's place!

    Zoe #44

  11. The spinners look great in your crafty space!!! Hope you enjoy making the ATC's for the swap. Karen 113 x

  12. Happy 3rd WOYWW!
    Hey I love the steampunky side borders to your new blog page layout - absolutely scrummy colours too L:D
    Hugs, LLJ #77 xx

  13. Happy 3rd WOYWW Birthday! Great to be part of this wonderful fun group! your desk looks great and your DH is great too for getting you those spinners! Send him round!
    JoZarty x

  14. Happy WOYWW 3rd anniversary.
    We have made some fab blogging friends through our mad blog hop haven't we!!
    Have a great week. x Jo

  15. What an interesting desk you have Trace. Aren't you lucky getting those spinners too. Happy Woyww Anniversary. Hugs Rita xx 104

  16. Fab workdesk, those spinners mmmm I need some too. But where to fit them??? I never seem to have any space! Happy 3rd WOYWW. I'd love to do an ATC swap if your willing. I'm pushed for time too, so if your willing I don't mind leaving it a few days. No rush yet. Michelle x #104

  17. Love the spinners Trace.. they are so useful a lovely DH you have!! busy wee desk going on... Hugs May x x x#4

  18. Happy WOYWW anniversary ☼
    have a great week!

    Hugs Marleen # 28

  19. I am so naughty. I see the spinners and wonder if I gave them a hard enough twirl, would the tools go flying? Ut oh! You did answer the question I suddenly had the other day--do people own more than one TH blending tool? I mean I just barely bought my first one and realized it would be easier with multiple ones to save switching the pads around. Glad to hear you pile on the floor too. It is just so convenient!

  20. Hi Trace The way to a girls heart is through her craft stash....or something like that! Was a fab hubby you have. Thanks for popping in to see me. I seem to be ten years younger on the WOYWW list than I was this morning!! If only it were that easy :-D Happy WOYWW birthday to you from Helen 73

  21. Happy WOYWW Trace!
    I love those spinners and am waiting for my B'day as I know I will get some pennies from my MIL so will buy my third! I have the two stacked on top and the spare base I have joined the middles and stacked my ribbons on there. Nowt goes to waste in my craft room! LOL!
    Hettie #50

  22. I'm thrilled I was given the chance to "meet" you through this wild and fun blog hop we take each week. Nice spinners! Happy 3rd WOYWW Anniversary from #2.

  23. Your spinners are fab, perfect to keep those sponges tidy and so nice of your DH to treat you :) Like the tags you've got hanging up on your wall. Hope your day has been a happy one and that the rest of the week will be good too. Elizabeth x #96

  24. Love the space ...and the spinners.Happy 3rd Woyww Birthday

  25. Cool space, and yay for new spinners, there so cool aren't they :)
    happy woyww anniversary fellow desk hopper
    Minxy #3

  26. Aren't you lucky. 2 spinners. I only have 1 and could use another. Happy WOYWW. #117

  27. Lucky lady with a lovely hubby! I have no spinners at all - though I'm not sure where I'd put them if I did....

    Sorry to be so late getting round this week - the Queen's Jubilee got in the way!

    Happy WOYWW!

  28. Oooh I've very jealous of your spinners, I want some of those! :lol:

    Thanks for sharing your creative space - and happy WOYWW anniversary!

    Ali #86


Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a means a lot..hope you like what you see. Trace x