
Wednesday 2 May 2012

woyww #152 an overview..and some changes

hi there,
well it is that time of the week , where courtesy of Julia, we are whizzed around the crafty spaces and places of people in blogland. So here is my desk today:

Then I thought I would let you see the room in a long shot, so you can see my crafty space.

For those of you that pop by here you will notice lots of changes afoot here, as Susie @ is giving my blog a magical makeover, which combines all her wizardry and technological skills...which i dont have.. and hopefully some of my art too...the changes are ongoing keep an eye out!

Well short and sweet I am off to hop around the crafty spaces in blogland!
make sure to hop across to Julias and see all the spaces,
have a fab, fun and inky day,
hugs trace x


  1. A great photo shot of a fab craft space! I love all those beautiful pieces of art that you have on your wall, they all look great :)

    I have added my name to your list of followers so I can follow your fab projects, I hope that is okay?

    Have a fab WOYWW and a lovely week, Hugs, Karen xx #12

  2. Lovely desk and space... very neat and tidy... oh I wish!!! tee hee

  3. I love all the flutterby's Trace...they definitely add a nice touch.
    You have a great space there.
    How exciting having a magical makeover...How is Susie on wrinkles, puffs and bags? ;D
    Have a great week and enjoy WOYWW :D Neesie # 22

  4. Hi Trace...great work room and good to be near the window, I've got good light now too...a very impressive collection of inks and your inky rag shows you've been a busy girl...have a great week...Mel :)

  5. I like your blog and your art, so dont change too much.

    Eliza #19

  6. What a super crafty space you have! Take care & enjoy this week's WOYWW offerings! Zo xx 68

  7. Oh wow, I love your room... and the new blog look! Happy WOYWW, Helen 7

  8. Lovely craft space there - I love the butterflies up the wall. Thanks for sharing - Sunshine Girl No. 29

  9. You really do have a lovely room, so clean and airy. Thanks for the long shot.
    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lisax #79

  10. Wow, nice and neat. All your stamps in a row, and I love the tags! You have a great space!
    Have a happy WOYWW,

  11. Fantastic room - and I adore all the butterflies :) Di xx #49

  12. Lovely craft space!!

    Happy WOYWW Wednesday!

    Hugs Marleen #25

  13. You have an amazing room there and love the butterflies! I also like the hooks under the shelf so that things can be hung up - great idea. Anne #44

  14. Hi Trace - thanks for popping by. Love the long shot of your fabulous crafty haven. WOYWW Hugs from Helen 64

  15. Lovely craftroom you have love the butterflies going up the wall
    Anne-marie no 85

  16. Ohh I love your crafting area, the butterflies are fantastic. Great that you are having a makeover too. Tracey X ±90

  17. A whole room!!!! What I would give for that. I just have my dining room table - and the floor and sometimes even on top of the stove (good thing it's electric)!

    I really should try to spruce up my blog too. Like you, I'm not technical but I do own a blogging book -- guess I'd have to read some of it! ;-)

    Thanks for visiting me already!!!
    Kay #33

  18. Beautiful tags and cards displayed on the walls! :)
    I wish I could see them close-up!

    Susan, nr 104 WOYWW

  19. What a cozy little area..147

  20. Such a lovely light craft room, I'm sooooo envious! Loving the butterflies on your wall.
    Thanks for visiting me today. Happy WOYWW! Lisa Sparkle :)

  21. Love your room Trace full of wonderful tags.... Love the new look for the blog... looking good!! Hugs May x x x #32

  22. How great to see your whole room, I love rooms with odd shapes and sloping ceilings. Are you getting the new DI colours? I'm on the fence about them to be honest.

    Brenda 114

  23. What a beautiful room!!!! Love the butterflies!
    Love the storage units too!
    Happy WOYWW
    Caz #157

  24. Hi Lovely to see your craft room - I'm very envious of all that space ! And your desk looks very neat & tidy too ! Hope you have a lovely crafty week in your room ! Thanks for stopping by earlier ! Ali #45

  25. Love the long shot of your room. I pine for a place like that. Although I have to say I like my living room, its just incredibly full and messy all the time. Darn that maid. I like all the butterflies around your desk. Let your creativity take flight!

  26. Lovely to see a long shot of your workspace - it looks such a lovely hive of creativity - thanks for sharing - Hazel, WOYWW #10 x

  27. ooh a lovely clean room and your new look blog is brilliant, loving the tabs across the top.

    Thanks for visiting my desk

    kyla #42

  28. wow, what a fabulous room, love all your storage and cute wall decor!
    Happy WOYWW Deb xx #141

  29. great crafting space. Looking forward to seeing the changes you bring about! Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog I enjoy reading them. Have a great week. Vickie #91

  30. Love your creative room and how lucky are you getting a blog makeover. I'm no good at that technical stuff either.
    Have a gret week.
    Von #3

  31. Great workspace and lots of lovely stuff to snoop. Have a great weekend. x Jo

  32. What a great workspace you have, it looks really comfy to work in. Thanks for sharing and for visiting too : ) Liz at 145 x


Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a means a lot..hope you like what you see. Trace x