
Sunday 22 July 2012

nearly a year blog candy! This is a sticky post,please see below for my inkiness !

Well I have been in blogland nearly a year and cannot believe the fun I have had, the amazing friends I have made and the huge amount of inspiration I have found..
I have had a ball and so to say thanks for being part of my journey and following me,
 here is some blog candy,
to be in with a chance to win these two pre mounted sheets of indigo blu stamps please....
1 .please leave a comment below
2 .please follow me if you do not already
3 .please put my candy in your sidebar with a link to my blog
 i will draw the winner on Sunday 22nd July at 9.00pm
thanks for being part of my inky journey, you don't know how much it means!!


  1. O my word Trace such fabulous candy and sooooo generous.. already a follower will post on my sidebar.. thanks for the chance.. Hugs May x x x

  2. ...Gosh Trace that is a wonderful Anniversary Candy prize...I would loVe for you to count me in, I've followed you since I started myself...your now on my sidebar...many thanks...Mel :)

  3. Thanks for the chance to win this gorgeous candy! Keeping my fingers crossed :) xxx

  4. WOW Trace what a beautiful Anniversary Candy. That are great stamps, marvelous.
    I follow you already and you are on my sidebar.
    Up to one year.
    Lovely greet

  5. Hi Trace, what a lovely Anniversary blog candy!! I have followed you since I started blogging and will go and put you on my sidebar now. Crafty hugs, Anne x

  6. happy blog birthday, a whole year, and some fab projects from what I have seen, I look forward to loads more, happy crafting and congrats again for making your first year, mark

  7. gosh Hun were has the time gone,happy blog anniversary Hun,and as for candy its just amazing,bless your heart for the chance too win,will post this on my side bar,hugs Cherylxxxxxx

  8. Hi Trace...happy blogaversary!!! You are putting up some amazing candy, these images are awesome. Blog candy is now on my sidebar also. Thanks
    Dot x

  9. I love them all. While I agree with you about the pink - not my color either, even in clothes, I will have to say it's my favorite since you used the lyrics to one of my most favorite Beatles song!!!! I don't have a sidebar, so I can put you there, but I did do #1 and am doing #2!!!!
    Thanks for the inspiration!

  10. Yay happy blog birthday! What amazing candy, I'm off to post to my blog as I'd definitely love to win these beauties! Thanks for such a generous candy. Take care Zo xx

  11. Congrats to your blog anniversary :) I've just linked your candy on my sidebar.

  12. Congrats on your blogversary..... Linked and enjoyed the rest of your blog. Great stuff you've created!!!!

  13. Congrats on your blogaversary! I'm so glad you stopped by as I found you and am your newest follower. BTW I adore your Time piece in one of your previous posts. Fabulous! I'll post on my sidebar tomorrow.
    hugs Lynn

  14. Hi Trace - found you over at Cheryl's - love what you're doing so will now be following - and thanks for the chance to win your fantastic candy! Hugs Rachel xx

  15. Hi Trace, great blog candy, love IndigoBlu stamps. Happy Anniversary.

    Joan x

  16. Cannot believe I was not a follower as I am always popping in to see you and your lovely blog. Remedied that straight away. Thanks for the opportunity to win. Happy blogaversary!
    Hugs, Neet

  17. Wow these stamps look awesome, would love to win them as i dont have any indigo blu stamps. Thanks for the chance.
    Loving your workdesk this week. x

  18. Congratulations on your first year in blogland and thank you so much for the chance to win these gorgeous stamps.
    Denise xx

  19. Congratulations on your blogaversary, it is a lovely blog full of interesting craft and heaps of love. I don't own any indigo blu stamps at all, yep I am being honest, must sort that problem out. LOL


  20. I would love to win a prize especially one as lovely as these stamps!

    Happy Anniversary


  21. What a fantastic blog design, and beautiful creations. I'm now a newly-devoted follower. The blog candy is gorgeous (and so's your tidy craft table!). Congratulations on your 1st birthday!

  22. Congrat's on your upcomming blogaversary! These stamps are gorgeous! thanks for the chance to win x

  23. Great candy but I'm afraid I just don't do "following" never got the hang of that, I just use my favourites bookmarks instead. Oh and I didn't see this as a sticky post either, well confused. BJ#4

  24. Fantastic anniversary candy Trace and congrats on your first blogiversary too, thanks for offering them up. I'm a follower and I've linked you on my sidebar.


  25. love indigo blu stamps they are so stylish, hope I win
    janet #11 WOYWW

  26. just love indigo blu stamps they are soooo stylish. hope I win
    janet #11

  27. Gorgeous gorgeous stamps - so generous!! I will definitely follow and attempt to do the sidebar thingy (Technical - NOT). Perhaps you can explain how you make a post sticky? (Words of one syllable please........)
    Thanks for popping by to see me, Cindy #14

  28. Thank you, Trace! Please count me in and again, CONGRATULATIONS!

  29. Congratulations on your blogaversary ! I love your arty style.

  30. What an inspiring blog you have Trace, loved my visit and will definitely be back for more. Congrats on your first year and thanks for a chance of your lovely candy. Carolxx

  31. OOPS! almost forgot to post this on my sidebar. But its there now. Hope you get lots of new followers!
    hugs Lynn

  32. Congrats on reaching this milestone and thank you for the chance to win.
    Hugs, Buttons x

  33. Hi Trace..I am here fron WOYWW what a beautiful blog,i love the images and colors!! wow and your blog candy is super...would love to win this one!!I am off to post you in my side-bar....hugs!

  34. You're at the top of my sidebar Trace lol. Congratulations on your Blogaversary, and thanks for the chance to win these gorgeous stamps x

  35. What a lovely gesture and isn't it a lovely feeling to reach your first blogaversary? Congratulations to you and well done. I've been a follower for a long time and have your link in my blog roll - love your work xxx

  36. Oh how fun! I'd love to win! I'm now following you and I'm on my way to my blot to post your button. :D

  37. Just spotted your candy Trace, how kind of you and congrats on your 12 months in blogland ! I'm now following you and have your candy on my sidebar.
    Sue C

  38. I dont have a blog to post your button, but now that I am unemployed I will have time to blog. Seems like so much fun, but lotsa time involved. However I do follow you and my comment is to thank you for the fantastic goodies you are giving away! and of course, Happy Ann. Day.

  39. Typical Trace, I haven't visited in a while and now i'm here it just looks like i've come for the candy lol {which i wouldn't say no to BTW} I hope your well, loving your last few projects especially the pocket full of petals and the heart happy inspired by the parrot pic xx

  40. I just discovered your beautiful blog, and decided to follow it straightaway! You might also like to follow me?!

  41. Hi Trace, congratulations on your up coming birthday in blogland. Your blog and your work is Inspirational ... here's to many more creative years ahead, have fun and enjoy your special day:) Thank you for sharing your fantastic candy with us. x

  42. Congratulations on your year anniversary!

  43. How incredibly generous! I found you just a little while ago via some blog challenge...not sure which one...but your style is AMAZING! You're actually one of my "go to" blogs for vintage! Thanks so much for the chance to win! You'll be on my blog sidebar momentarily!!! :) {{{HUGS}}} Mynnette xx

  44. I'm new here and just started following. I came way by On a Stampage. I love your most recent projects and look forward to seeing more! :) Thank you for the chance to win blog candy!

  45. Congratulations on your first blog anniversary. Just found you but I love your style. Thank you for the cahnce to win these fabulous stamps

  46. Congrats on your first blog anniversary, just found your blog and Love what you make. I became a follower, i would love the see more of your art.
    thanks for the chance to win these fantastic stamps!!

  47. Happy blogiversar Trace.These stamps are fabulous, very appropriate for us sewers (sewists? seamstresses?).
    I am enjoying your blog.

  48. Congrats with your first year of blogging! It's a pitty that I didn't find your blog earlier, 'caus I found really beautifull crafts in your posts! Came here through Ellies'blog. Hope you don't mind that I'm joyning in for this great candy. The time-stamps are one of the stamps of my wish-list! Greetings and happy stamping, Gerrina

  49. Hi! Congrats on your first blogaversary and happy WOYWW ! kissinia #38

  50. Congratulations on your year in Blogland Trace. Now who would not want those fabulous atamps, I'm off to put your candy on my side bar and Thanks for the chance to win. Enjoy your day. Hugs Rita xx

  51. Congratulations on your first year. Great blog to browse, love your work

  52. Great blog and congrats to you on your first year. I signed up to be a follower today because I just love what you are doing! Glenda 100

  53. Nice to find your blog and what a lovely suprise to see a fab giveaway too!
    Please count me in, i just need to grab your image to link up somehow.
    I'm following and would love you to follow me too :)

    thanks and lovely to meet you,


  54. Found your blog by just skipping about - oh I'm so glad I did. You artwork is inspirational! Love it. Just about to load your linky on mine so others can be transfixed as well

  55. Just found your blog, love your stuff. I just made some tags for a swap with some other stampers anon. lovers, haven't posted to my blog yet. Love your giveaway, I will try to figure out how to post it on my blog. Barb

  56. Love the look of your blog home page. Can't get the candi piccy onto my blog sorry. But have followed and will watch your work with delight. Can't wait to see your posts.

  57. Happy Blogoversary and such kewl stamps I've added you into my sidebar and follow you too hugs Nikki C

  58. Well done on blogging for a year. I am already a follower and will try and post your picture if I can remember how! Loving your blog background. Been playing about with mine tonight!

  59. Well congratulations to you!!

    Already following, and just posted your link in my sidebar!


  60. What a great candy!! Love your work. It will be a pleasure following you.

  61. Congratulations on your first year and thanks for the chance to win these gorgeous stamps.
    I've posted your link and keep my inky fingers crossed.

    byebye Yvonne

  62. Hello and thank you Trace for a chance to win your wonderful birthday candy, keep up the fab work
    Von ♥

  63. Great candy, just started to follow you, and very inspiring..... x

  64. Happy blogoversary! I'm following and there's a link in my sidebar . Thanks for a chance to win such great candy! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

  65. Hi Tracie
    Just discovered your wonderful blog, lovin your art !!

    Jayne :-)

  66. Hi! Thanks for chance, I'm happy to meet your blog and become your follower!

  67. Thanks so much for the chance of such generous candy and I'm sure you'll have a fun blogaversary. I thought I was already a follower so now I AM. ! also just going to pop you on my sidebar too. Good luck!
    JoZarty x

  68. Hi Trace, I found your blog on a friends blog. You make amazing projects.
    I 'm also a follower now en will be. Thanks for sharing and the chance to win your great candy.

  69. well, now I'm glad I decided to take a spin around your blog Congrats on being out there 1 yr and wow such a wonderful give away you are offering. hope I'm the lucky one. Have a great week!

  70. Happy woyww Trace.Thanks for the lovely compliment earlier. looking forward to seeing your ssss, love that green tag from below.

  71. Thought I would join in with your blog candy Trace, such a great prize. I love Indigo Blu stamps they are so cool. You've done really great in a year, that's because you're really talented. Love all your work. Michelle x ps I've put your blog on my sidebar too coz I don't want to miss any of your projects. xx

  72. Hey! Congrats on your anniversary! I bet you've had a blast this year and I know there's exciting things to come! Much love x

  73. Hi there Trace, Im a new follower. Yippee. Congrats on your one year Blogaversary. Its mine too.....woowhoo! This candy is fabulous, those stamps look fabulous. Thank you for the chance to win. I will go put the details in my sidebar now. By the way, I am also doing a giveaway if you would like to enter. There are 2 prizes so you have 2 chances to win. Im off to potter about your blog for a bit. Toodles, Lee x

  74. Firs of all Trace, I LOVE your new blog! Awesome background and header! Congrats on your 1st year! Love those stamps! right up my alley!

    Wishes from A Broad


  75. Thanksso much, for a chance to win please follow me and add the candy to your sidebar...thanks trace x

  76. Wonderful stamps and thank you for the chance to win them

    Love Chrissie xx

  77. OMG....I just found your blog by accident. What a happy accident! I love what I see. I've subscribed in RSS feeds, and obviously posted a comment....but alas, I don't have a blog, yet. Love the blog candy and seriously hope I win! Hugs, Rockin Robin

  78. Awesome anniversary candy! congrats Trace :) I'm a follower and I've linked you on my sidebar, thanks for a chance to win this loot! :)

  79. Already a follower Trace and thank you for the chance to win this fabulous anniversary candy. Off to put on my side bar.

    Hugs Shirley x x

  80. hi found you as i really liked your entry for the studio L3 competition. Congrat's for your first year and I've booked marked you as i check my fav's each day. don't have a blog and not sure what a side bar is. Love the Indigo blue stamps and would be a nice compliment to my T!m's stamps.

  81. Found your blog as I really liked your entry for the Studio L3 competition.

    Congrats on your nearly a year, don't have a blog and not sure what aside bar is but now am a follower. Loving the Indigo blue stamps and would compliment to T!m's.

  82. Hi Trace

    Thank you for the chance of this fantastic candy. I have put a link on my sidebar and am now following. Off to check out the rest of your blog and find some more inspiration.

    Hugs Ali x

    PS I have candy too

  83. Love the look of the candy and happy Blog a ver sary to you. Love your work and look forward to seeing your work


  84. FAboulous candy!!! thanks !!!!BArbarayaya

  85. Hey Trace! LOVE LOVE LOVE the Indigo Blu stamp sets! Oh yeah....gotta get in on this blog candy deal! I'm crossing my fingers, my legs, my eyes...whatever....that I win them! They are AWESOME! Love your work, too! It's totally inspiring and always so beautifully done. <3 Candy

  86. Congratulations on your 1 year blogaversary. Already a follower of your blog and thanks for a chance to win some awesome candy

  87. Hi!Love you blog and your art. I'm a new follower! Love the Candy too! :)

  88. Thanks for the chance to win this fabulous blog candy!I'm a follower and have been for a while and love the imspiratin you give!

  89. Hi Trace thanks for visiting my blog today and leaving such kind comments. So glad I have been one of your followers for some time as your blog candy is to die for. Fingers crossed :-)

    Crafty hugs Annie x

  90. I have placed pic and link in my sidebar and am now a follower. Those stamps are gorgeous as is your work. Stunning! Am also pleased you are on the design team hun
    Thank you for giving the opportunity to win this fab candy x

  91. WOW what an awesome opportunity to win these stamps. I am a follower and have put them on my blog side bar. I have never see this brand but I think I will become closer acquainted soon! My birthday is the 25th July and I think I will ask for these!! Have a great day and thanks for sharing. Vickie #67

  92. Thanks to the candy, I found your blog very nice.

  93. Well ... only just 'discovered' you - great inky art

  94. I have just found your lovely blog some great work, will be joining as a follower, congrats on one year in blogland and thanks for the chance to win some super stamps, will pop link on my blog - happy crafting

    Maggie H

  95. Hi Just found your lovely blog, great projects I am now a follower, Great candy too from one of my fav stamp companies - have everything crossed, thanks for sharing. Will pop candy on my blog

    Maggie H

  96. Hi Happy blogaversary (almost). Found your blog through the yummy candy you are in my side bar & I will be following to xx

  97. Trace I love your creations: several of them are pinned into my boards... and now is with pleasure that I'm partecipating to your amazing candy!
    Thanks for the chance to win.
    Hugs and creativity from Italy

  98. hankyou for offering such an awesome candy
    i m so glad to found you

    I am new to your blog
    I hope to see more of your work

  99. love your artistic awesome! Thank you for the chance to win such a sweet candy!
    Heaney xx

  100. Hi..

    Beautiful works and great candy! I want it!!!

    I am your follower.

    I shared this link on my blog (sidebar)

    Val Rodrigues


  101. I have added this to my sidebar, sorry it's a bit last minute, I meant to stop by and do it last week but I don't really know where last week disappeared to
    Lindsay xx

  102. I love your work! I am also getting ready to celebrate one year on my blog!!! Thanks for the chance to win!

  103. Wow Trace, what a very generous giveaway! My first visit here but I'm signing up as a follower as I love the look of your blog. Thanks so much for the chance to win those gorgeous goodies.

  104. Wow a year already. What a lovely gesture to share your fun.

  105. Don't know how I missed this Trace but congratulations on your blogaversary it's been wonderful coming over to see your fabulous creations. You have avert inspirational style so good luck with the next year to come.
    Hugs Brenda xxx

  106. Wow your blog is lovely and such great candy too!
    I have just become your newest follower! Claire x

  107. Congrats on your blogaversary! Lovely of you to offer up some candy! I just realized that I didn't leave a comment earlier this month when I posted your candy in my sidebar - oops! Hope I'm not too late! :)
    Thank you for sharing your most inspirational style through your beautiful projects!
    Val :)

  108. Olá

    Lindo candy!!!

    Eu postei na lateral do meu blog

    Eu estou seguindo - dicasdareny (follower)


    Reny Gomes

    Hugs (Brazil)

  109. Love your artsy projects shown at your great blog!!!!
    One year of creative journey documented with loads of love and spirit!!!!

    Hugs, die amelie xx

  110. congrats on your blogaversary Time flies when you're having fun
    I have a giveaway too.. Come on over


Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a means a lot..hope you like what you see. Trace x