
Wednesday 29 August 2012

finally back to Woyww # 169, but no desk in sight...

well now the fun of the holidays is over ,
Hubbie is sadly back at work and reality of life is back!!!
we are no longer in the magical bubble that is Disneyland Paris...
but boy did we have fun...
and as lots of bits on my desk are Dt makes and unfinished pieces ...
thought i would share a couple of pictures instead..
so .....
here goes....
Steve and James
Oliver , Lucy and me..
magical memories for us all to treasure!

so sorry that there is no crafty space...
but please make sure to desk hop here
courtesy of our hostess Julia....
to see lots of great crafty spaces...............
a super friendly bunch of crafty people!
have a fun and inky day!


  1. ...awe these family piccy's are loVely Trace, everyone is smiley and happy, the Disney effect has worked it's magic to live in your hearts always...wonderful memories...Melxx :)

  2. Terrific, happy photos as always Trace--thank you for sharing them.

    Love Chrissie xx

  3. Hi trace, lovely to see your happy family pictures, thank you for sharing them with us. Children grow up so quick, happy days to remember
    Suzie xx

  4. Looks like you guys has so much fun. Great to see. Hugs, Buttons x

  5. Glad you had a fun time.... thanks for stopping by already! Helen 40

  6. Lots like you did have a magical time at Disney. I like all things Disney. Happy crafting jill#51

  7. Hi Trace, lovely pics of you all, hope the magic stays with you all for a good while - lovely pics to scrap with. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #32

  8. Gorgeous family can feel the love and happiness bouncing off the screen :) Wonderful!
    Hugs, LLJ #72 xx

  9. You're forgiven for having no desk today cos I love happy smiley faces. Thanks for looks like you had a fab time.
    A x #68

  10. Lovely photo, seems you had good weather. Thanks for your comment on my blog and becoming a follower. Francesca #77

  11. Thanks for stopping by Trace and what a lovely family you have. BJ#35

  12. Hi Trace - I wondered where you'd been! Glad you were off having fun - Love Disney!!!! You even look as if you had some sunshine too! I have to fit in uniform shopping today and tomorrow - I leave it to the last minute - not because I am disorganised but just incase he has a growth spurt in the last week of the hols! ;-) Welcome back and thanks for popping by....twice :-D WOYWW Hugs to you from Helen 73

  13. Gorgeous pics Trace, such treasured memories. Downloaded mine last night, must get some up.
    Have a great day.
    Hugs Brenda xox

  14. Oh look - fun smiles and sunshine! How marvellous...these'll keep you going through the new term stresses!

  15. Glad you had fun in the sun.
    Hugs, Neet #45 xx

  16. I think making memories with the little ones take a special place in our hearts. Love the pictures, looks like everyone was having a lot of fun. Have a great week. Thanks for sharing! Vickie #67

  17. Lovely photos of your family. Wonderful memories to treasure. Thanks for stopping by today.
    Fiona x

  18. Great family pics, Looks like a fab trip, and you'll always have the memories, Look forward to seeing some desk action next time.
    Thanks for your visit, Happy WOYWW
    Hugz Minxy #5

  19. Looks like a magical break Trace, and good weather as well so perfect all round.
    Ann B

  20. Lovely family photos, looks like you had a great time, don't worry we don't just snoop on desks - we like to have a snoop into peoples lives too ha, ha..

  21. Smiling faces is an excellent alternative to crafting places! Lovely pics...
    Alison x

  22. Gorgeous family photos Trace - you all look so happy and relaxed! Your children will remember their visit but will now want to go again and again and again. . . . . .!!
    Have a fun day - painting???!!

  23. What beautiful photos Trace. You all seem so happy and having a ball. Enjoy your week. Hugs Rita xx 88

  24. It looks like you were all having a really fabulous time. Lovely pics and wow, Disneyland in Paris, couldn't think of anything better, you lucky things.
    Have a great week.
    Von #44

  25. It looks like your family had a great time - what fun. Thanks for stopping by my blog too.

  26. Oh it looks like you have had some real fun and wonderful family togetherness, but most of all the precious memories.


  27. Lovely photos to remember a special holiday. Thanks for visiting my workspace today.
    I thought I would just say that sadly Baggins' condition had deteriorated over night, and I had to make the decision to let him go. It was only kindness to end his suffering. I shall miss him so much.
    Kate x

  28. Lovely pics. Lovely memories
    Famfa #22

  29. Eeeek I went on that ride! Oh these pics bring back many happy memories for me. We went there in 2008, such an amazing place. Take care Zo xx 118

  30. The problem I see with vacations is that once you are back from one, you need a another immediately! It looks like good times were had by all!

  31. Oh, I think we can forgive you this momentary lapse - LOL - we've all done it one way or another - thank you for sharing such sunny, happy photos to brighten an otherwise wet and dull day!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  32. Disneyland Paris....that sounds so dreamy! I bet it was the perfect vacation!

    Amy E. #6

  33. What lovely photos, sounds like you had a great time and great weather too. We are hoping to take a Disney trip next year if we can get organised!!!!!!
    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lisa#93

  34. Lovely piccys Trace, looks like you had a great time and actually had some sunshine too! Those stamps on my desk are all ready for cleaning unfortunately, not my favourite job! I had stamped them all to swap with a fellow WOYWWer so turned them away from the camera so she wouldn't see what is coming her way!!

    Brenda 18

  35. Fab happy family pics - thanks for sharing. x Jo

  36. looks like a fun holiday, it is hard to come home when it was so good! Hopefully you will be back to normal soon!

  37. I love your signature, how did you make it or where did you get it from? I would love to know how to make it or get one. YOu all look like you had a great time, great photos
    Bridget #3

  38. I love your DT submission in the previous post - I hope you get it. Glad you had a good holiday too.

  39. Wonderful photos. looks like you'll have some good memories.

  40. Thank you for sharing your holiday pics with us, Trace! The daughter and I are going to the Disney in Florida here in a few weeks . . .

    :)Happy WOYWW!
    trisha, #148 this week

  41. Hi Trace,

    Oh, the teacups were one of my favorite rides at Disneyland. Your family is just adorable! They will have those memories forever.

    Can't wait to see what craftiness you'll share in the future!!
    Thanks for visiting me already. I'm slowly getting around this week.

    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs, Kay #17

  42. Thhose faces just tells how much fun was had by all.
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #49

  43. So glad you had a fun vacation!


    Terry #60

  44. Such wonderful happy pics from your holiday. Hope the holiday bliss lasts for awhile.
    Sandra @20

  45. Sorry, I am so late getting here, no time for blogging last night after work, had to make 2 cards, 1 for a birthday and the other for my boss who is home sick all week. Looks like you and the family had a really good vacation. #27

  46. Glad you tore yourself away from your desk long enough to make some family memories!
    Have a great WOYWW and thanks for visiting!

  47. What wonderful special memories for you all to treasure.
    I always love to see peoples photos especially when they show happy smiling cuties!
    Thanks for stopping by my place and I apologies for being so late in coming to you...
    Carry on enjoying the memories :D
    Happy WOYWW Neesie #29

  48. Looks like you guys had a great time!! I love your blog and I am going to start following it!! Thanks for the comment on my WOYWW!!!

    Shirley Pumpkin

  49. That´s the best "desk" you can have! Lovely pics.


Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a means a lot..hope you like what you see. Trace x