
Tuesday 21 August 2012

floating in a magical bubble!

Thanks to everyone who stopped by to see my scheduled posts while we were away, you are very kind!

Well we had the most amazing time at Disneyland Paris!
Truly magical and some very precious memories!
Now we are getting back into real life!!!

and tinged with some sadness that we are not still in the magical bubble
that is Disneyland, Paris!

I just wanted to say a huge thanks to everyone for all their kind comments...I will be catching up on all my comments in the coming days ...

Also I have to say a huge thanks to the lovely buttons....on my arrival home,
 I found a beautiful tag had arrived
from buttons using some of the stamps from my blog candy ...
I was really touched by such thought and kindenss!
thanks buttons.

What a truly special tag and what a wonderful thought,thanks buttons
I shall treasure the tag.x
I borrowed the picture from buttons, camera out of charge...

Will be back tomorrow with my dragons dream dt piece
 and may do some desk hopping too!
to re-discover my mojo!

just another couple if pictures, there are so many I could pick,
but these had all my lovely children ......
and wonderful Husband..x

and one last disney picture....

I truly am one lucky lady! x


  1. ah - those faces on the last picture say it all! Thanks for sharing with us Trace - glad you had a brilliant time! Hugs xx

  2. So glad it got there safely and thrilled you like :) Just felt an electronic thankyou wasn't enough.
    Also chuffed you had a fab time away with the family (trust me, weather wise you picked the best week to leave Lincolnshire!) Those memories will be ones to treasure for many years to come.
    Hugs, Buttons x

  3. Great that you had a good time and what a lovely pressie to come home to - Buttons is one lovely lady! Settle back in first and then you'll start creating (bet you can't wait to get inky again!).
    Lovely holiday photos and hopefully your little ones will treasure their holiday memories for years to come (Certainly your 'big' boys anyway - sorry to them that I said 'little'!!).

  4. What a great looking children you have Trace! And the tag from buttons is gorgeous, I can imagine you're so happy with it and the kind gesture!

    By the way, your husband has the same haircut as my hubby :-)))

    Enjoy your Disney memories! greetings, Alie

  5. ...awe such loVely piccy's Trace, the magic of disney will liVe on forever, so glad you all had such a wondeful time, my Son (now 25) still has Woody on his shelf along with Buzz, they ar e timeless characters and how loVely to have some Happy Mail to arrive home to, a gorgeous Tag from Buttons...Melxx :)

  6. O Trace what lovely this beautiful and handsome children. What a loevely family. We can see that you have a great time there in Disney. Marvelous. lovely photos and very nice Tag.
    Lovely greet

  7. Hi Trace, so glad that you had a wonderful holiday and now some wonderful memories too. Your family are lovely and they all look very happy indeed. Buttons tag is gorgeous, what a lovely surprise to come home to, she is a warm and generous person (as I know too). Crafty hugs, Anne x

  8. Welcome back :) Great, that you've enjoyed your holidays.

  9. Welcome back Trace.. Fabulous photographs of your lovely family... Lots of happy memories to cherish... Gorgeous tag from Buttons... Hugs May x x x

  10. Those are some wide-eyed happy faces! Welcome back... we like having you back in the real world (well the Craftyblogland world anyway), Trace!
    Alison x

  11. Fabulous photos to remember those wonderful memories, what a great family you have. I will be posting similar ones next week when we get back from LA at the weekend. What a lovely surprise to get home to from Alison too.
    Happy days.
    Hugs Brenda xox

  12. Thank you for sharing your holiday photographs they made me feel like smiling and I have never been to Disney anywhere lol. Nice to have you back.

    Love Chrissie xx

  13. What a wonderful post Trace loved reading it, and your family look really happy there. Welcome back to the arty world, I bet you missed getting inky though. Your tag from Buttons is amazing too. You lucky lady you. Michelle x

  14. Welcome back. Good to hear you had a great time. Disney really is the happiest place on earth.

  15. Beautiful pics! Welcome back :-)


Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a means a lot..hope you like what you see. Trace x