
Wednesday 5 September 2012

woyww #170 my desk is back!!!

well it is time for the wonderful desk hopping,
 magic carpet ride of creative spaces
courtesy of our lovely hostess with the mostess..Julia..
and it is where we share our crafty spaces and places..
so here is mine...and yes the desk is here today!
then i have taken over the computer desk...
as the computer is on the kitchen table...a long story!!!
then to finish..
a long arty shot of my crafty space,
Steve took this not me!!
I can take credit for the inky and painty chaos...
but not the photos!!
so if you want to share, hop across here
and join in all the mid week fun!
have a fun and inky week!


  1. Hi Trace,
    Welcome back to your desk...
    it looks rather busy but then so creative.
    I can just imagine you there in your own little should have perhaps got Steve to take you in the photo too ;D
    Have a wonderful week and thanks for popping over to me earlier.
    Happy WOYWW Neesie #13

  2. Your craft room looks huge - and tidy! Lucky you having two desks... have a good week. helen 52

  3. Hiya, its been a while but it's good to be back and taking a peek at your creative world again. Looking busy and fun. Your space looks amazing, now get inking, your desk is looking far too tidy! Hope you have a good week too.
    Neil @ 62

  4. You have such a sweet space - but I think I say that every time I swing by! Just lovely....

    Yeah, I've had a bit of a time of it, but can see the light at the end of the tunnel now. Not sure how long the tunnel is though! LOL

    Thanks for stopping by...

  5. It's so nice to see your crafty space Trace. I have a mental picture now of what's around you when your making things. I spied the roll of wire under your desk. You'll have to make lots of things to use up all that roll! I love seeing what you have too. Your little crafty makes around the room are gorgeous Trace, so many things to inspire you.
    Michelle xx

  6. I so wish my room was as tidy as yours. I sit here, moving furniture in my mind, thinking somehow, SOMEHOW, that will increase the space. Foolish me!

    Happy WOYWW!

    MA (29)

  7. Hi Trace, I am so impressed by how tidy your room is, given all the wonderful inky things you produce......but you have got two of those lovely roundy things and you keep your blending tools on your desk...... lol, I did notice! Lovely work room though. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #47

  8. I love your desk - it looks very organised and inspirational! Mine is a shocker! Hugs Rachel x

  9. I just love your crafting space. Those butterflies up the wall are so pretty.
    A x #85

  10. Thought I'd been a follower of yours for ages but it seems not.....I am now though :-)
    A x #85

  11. What a great light space you have, love your stash of sprays,paint and ink and the like. I think I have just as many. Have a good day Hugs Francesca #111

  12. Hi Trace thanks for popping to see me and for your well wishes for Callum. Great job of the photos Steve! I love how you can swivel from one desk to the other trace - very ergonomic! Your pink glass light shades are fab. Happy WOYWW to you from Helen 22

  13. That just looks like the perfect place to craft. Love so much of it including the butterflies on the wall, the rows of inks and sprays, and a healthy smattering of your beautiful tags adorning the shelves. Hugs, Buttons #114

  14. Awesome desk, love the full shot of your craft room. Looks a great place to work. Love the way you have the tags around.
    Sandra. x

  15. what a fun room, love your tidy desk! and the messy one too LOL! Have fun! Happy WOYWW: Lindsay #10

  16. Fab craft room , happy crafting jill #78

  17. Looking very tidy (even the second one, if you ask me) - ready for you to play. I love that garland of butterflies - how inspiring. S #131

  18. This is one lovely room to play in and so perfect, lucky you.

    Eliza #20''''

  19. Love your room Trace..Your DH done a great job on the pic.. it looks fabulous.. Have a happy week, Hugs May x x x

  20. I love your space!
    Those pretty lights and the butterflies are fabulous!
    Mary Jo #132

  21. So what is it with craft desks that we cover it all up and leave no room for crafting lol. Looks like a very creative space Trace.
    hugs {brenda} xox WOYWW147

  22. Great pics of your space, those butterflies look so pretty and all your storage is fab! Take care Zo xx 98

  23. ...hey what a total fabby craft room, loVe your gallery decorations, gorgeous pieces Trace and all sooo tidy, great piccy's by hubby...thanks for stopping by me...Melxx :)
    Was so hoping your parcel would be waiting when I got home but alas not X

  24. Hi Trace, Happy WOYWW .... oooo just look at that craft space no wonder you create amazing art. Congrats on our news today :):):):) xx

  25. When I took the arty long shot of the room the photo did not show my Playstation squashed into the corner of the room. My "shared space" is slowed being taken over by crafty products ;)

  26. Great to see the whole space... what a great room, and the light from that window above your (very tidy) desk must be a great bonus. Glad to see the crafty mess spreading its way around the house - mine seems to do that!
    Alison x

  27. What a fab room and the butterflies which wend their way up the wall are just gorgeous.

    Emily #72

  28. I love all those delicious ink pads, distress stains, re-inkers and paints!!

  29. I've never seen your craft room before..what a lovely space in which to work. Light and bright, really fab :)
    Hugs, LLJ #81 xx

  30. Hiya Trace, thanks for your visit, sorry I'm a bit late replying but not well with a sore throat.
    Absolutely love all your butterflies, wish I'd thought of doing that for my walls, instead I have owls lol.
    I think your craft space is glorious.
    Cheers, Elaine #24

  31. Hi Trace,

    Oh look at all that room!!! I just love the entire space. My table wouldn't look as bad as it does if I had more room to spread out. Yeah, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it!

    Thanks for visiting me already. It's going to be slow going for me this week.

    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs, Kay #15

  32. Your craftroom is fantastic!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #70

  33. Well, the other half takes some great photographs and it was good to see such a big long shot of your studio area. I think we all do the spread at times - I have cupboards all over the house, different rooms house stuff of mine (disguised as furniture)
    Thanks for sharing - Hugs, neet 84 xx

  34. Ohhh your room is gorgeous and it all co-ordinates. I wish and dream of the that happening at my place. Loved the peak.
    Sandra @144

  35. wow you have a totally gorgeous craft zone. Love the butterfly trail on the wall.
    thanks for popping by earlier
    caroline #14

  36. Trace what a lovely crafting area and so neat too...I also like the images that decorate your blog....happy creating!

  37. Your space looks lovely and inspiring!Mika #146


Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a means a lot..hope you like what you see. Trace x