
Monday 24 December 2012

Happy Christmas....and thanks xx

I just want to wish everyone the most wonderful Christmas...
full of whatever makes them happy...
and to say a huge thanks for all the support and comments throughout this year..
in my nearly one and a half years blogging..
it means a lot and I feel lucky to have made crafty friends along the way
 who have amazed me with their kindness ,
there will be couple of scheduled dt posts
but I having a break to spend time with my 3 gorgeous children
  wonderful Hubbie and family...
have a good one and I will be back to commenting and catching up in the new year!
have a wonderful Christmas!
( no need to leave a comment!xxxx)


  1. Hi Trace, hope your boys are well again and that you have the most wonderful of Christmases. Hugs, Anne x

  2. Merry Christmas Trace! I wish many beautiful memories and Christmas blessings for you and your family. :) <3 Candy


Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a means a lot..hope you like what you see. Trace x