
Tuesday 11 December 2012

my tag no 11 for the funkie junkies 12 tags of 2012

well here I am with tag no 11, second post today..
for the lovely Lindas 12 tags of 2012
all the details are here
and Linda's fab tag no 11 can be found here..
the competition is sponsored by Linda's fab online store the funkie junkie boutique
so here is mine:
again very different, but inspired by the flower, the script, the flourishes
and the holly leaves..
I started by clear embossing the flourishes,
inking with iced spruce..
did I say I love this colour!
then stamping script in same colour...
the flower the tattered poinsettia die was cut,
stamped with script and lightly inked
I added holly leaves inked, script stamped and triple embossed..
and some leaves cut from clearly for art and shaped..
ooo...and some wire twirls
finally some dyed seam binding, a little bell centre
some lace and idea-ology token...
I have loved these one to go..
feel sad but have had a ball
and no rock candy distress glitter..
that's two makes in the day and none, not a sprinkle!
have a fun and inky day!
I am entering this for the following :


  1. Gorgeous tag Trace, I really love the iced spruce. Gorgeous flourishes in the background and lovely poinsettia and added wire spirals. Tracy x

  2. Hi Trace, this is my new favourite, it is so, so beautiful. I love the gorgeous soft colours and the way everything blends together, Love the wire again and also the little jingle bell. Really, really beautiful. Hugs, Anne x

  3. Its a great color, iced spruce. Like how you used it here! Find myself using the color even where I never thought using it... Love the flower! It completes a beutiful tag! Hugs, Gerrina

  4. Love the bell used for the center of the flower Trace :)
    Von ♥

  5. The flower is amazing on your background Trace...gorgeous tag!

    greetings, Alie :-)

  6. So beautiful; the iced spruce is so elegant and pretty... your poinsettia looks gorgeous (like'em much better white than red!)... this tag is stunning - moved into first place for me out of your 12!!
    Alison x

  7. just stunning trace - love the jingle and the bell in the front of the flower - stunning xx

  8. Gorgeous tag Trace, Love the background & the Poinsettia with the added bell as the centre... Fabulous idea! Beautiful soft colours... Hugs May x x x

  9. Yes its my new favourite too and I don't mean in a Brucie sort of way! This is stunning Trace - the cool colours and your stamping work brilliantly. Very beautiful! Nicola x

  10. Wow this is wonderful. Love your take and now wishing I had iced spruce but never mind ey!

  11. This is so wonderful Trace, its simply gorgeous! I love it. Michelle x

  12. This is a beauty Trace! Must find my Iced's such a gorgeous colour! x

  13. So beautiful yet again

    Love Chrissie xx

  14. This is exqusite, Trace!! I am really loving all your use of iced spruce for your tags. Your poinsettia is gorgeous too. I am really drooling about how this tag came out! Thanks so much for adding this beauty to our Tag #11 lineup!

    Hugs, Linda


Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a means a lot..hope you like what you see. Trace x