
Friday 11 January 2013

a walk on the wild side..

well when I say a walk on the wild side
..more a dipping my toe in the ocean of colour and..
well seeing what happens..
(while my love will still be soft and shades and muted tones ..)
so inspired by my great painty buddy Michelle..i embraced ..paint...and colour.. I know!
I have not used such colour for ages...
 and here is the result!

(please be gentle this painty stuff is new to me and I am learning ...slowly!)
well Michelle is the fab guest designer over at the paperartsy blog
She is doing an amazing job!!
...and I have succumbed to a few painty purchases..well then a few more..
and combined those with paperartsy stamps I already have...
(some new vintage ones did fall in the basket more of those another day!!)
so I started with some fresco paints in mermaid and beach hut..
then when dry added some stamping in nougat
and in butternut squash.
then to distress a bit swiped some paint and wiped with a baby wipe..
when dry I stamped this great image from paperartsy in black archival
and this tag is also..
no embellishments!!!
the only distress is used was for the seam that stuff..
ooh and I added some new aquamarine treasure gold around the edges..
so let me know what you think!?
I will link this up here to paperarsty as they are asking for pieces inspired by Michelle..
and although I am a novice painty girl and not in her league..i tried!!
have a fun and inky one!


  1. Ohhhhhh MY FAVE COLOUR!!! Looks stunning Trace. Thanks for playing along with us! You could be a stamp winner !!!

  2. So glad you dipped your toe into the PA world of paint Trace, great colour combo to start with, love the touches of Butternut and the distress by knocking back the colour. Thanks so much for playing along. Good luck x

  3. It's great, and as you may see, I used the same stamp, it's one of my faves too! Love your colours.

  4. Lovely tag Trace, love the umbelliferous flower and lovely background and coordinated ribbon. Tracy x

  5. Oooo Trace, this is very gorgeous, I love those colours, and I think I might have to get that seed head stamp too. You're very talented with the paint Trace, you are a natural. Michelle xx

  6. This is lovely Trace, great choice of colours and stamps, and the ribbon sets it off perfectly xx

  7. Very pretty, love the matching ribbon x

  8. absolutely fabulous Trace - please do more colour and more paint - I love it all xx

  9. Love these colours - such a boost to the spirits on a grey wet day ! I have that stamp & had forgotten how much I like it ! Thanks for sharing ! Ali

  10. Love these colours ! Such a boost to the spirits on a grey wet day ! I have this stamps & had forgotten how much I like it ! Thanks for sharing ! Ali x

  11. Looks like you may have a new crafting love on your hands here Trace. It's always good to try something new and you have made a fantastic job of it here. (Love Michelle's work too - just looked on your recommendation:) Hugs, Jenny x

  12. Great tag, love the background painting.
    Yvonne x

  13. Welcome to the delicious world of Fresco! Love your colour combo (well, you've seen my recent turquoise obsession taking root!), and the stamp is glorious! Gorgeous tag...
    Alison x

  14. Fabulous tag Trace - its good to step out of your comfort zone once in a while though I warn you the paints can be as addictive as distress !!!

  15. Love it... The colour is fab and just a gorgeous clean card...x

  16. Oh I am liking the colors! Love those splashes of white on the blues, very relaxing! Have a fabulous weekend!!

  17. Fabulous use of colour Trace and a lovely design.
    Have a great weekend.
    Hugs Brenda xox

  18. Trace, this is gorgeous, in one of my favourite colours too. Love the simplicity of it but there is so much going on underneath. A mini masterpiece - I would never know that you are new to this at all. Michelle's work is fab and I can see her inspiration in your beautiful tag. Hugs, Anne x

  19. This is terrific and so different from what you have been doing. I just love what you have done with the ribbon-very inspirational.

    Best wishes Chrissie xx

  20. Love, Love, Love it Trace, my fav colours too.. Beautiful design & stamping..Whoop, Whoop a winner!! Hugs May x x x

  21. I'm at exactly the same stage Trace - would love to be better at using paints and not knowing what to buy. I love this tag - beautiful colours and great image. I was going to go for the Fresco paints then I saw Tim is bringing out some Distress Paints so thought I might wait for those but you've got my attention with this. I've also been playing with textures using bubble wrap, masks and modelling paste but its a bit scary when you're new to it. Wish there was a workshop I could go to.

  22. A wonderful painty piece from you Trace! I love paint but I'm still a novice but it's good fun to use isn't it? I have these stamps and your lovely tag has reminded me that perhaps I should use them again sometime soon!
    Have a good week and I'll catch up this week with you.

  23. I Love it love it love it! I love turquoise colors and you composed the background with the amazing stamps really beautiful!
    Wish you a nice week,
    xox Anja

  24. Love the colors + the stamp + the background is great = A great tag! Hugs, Gerrina

  25. Well the result is exceptional --- as you will be able to tell, I am trying to do a little catch up. It is such a pleasure seeing your creations and hoping some of your talent might just seep through my computer screen!


Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a means a lot..hope you like what you see. Trace x