
Tuesday 8 January 2013

flutterby butterfly..

well do you ever have one of those days!
 yesterday was always going to be hard as the boys were back to school,
and I love them being home and miss them...
on poor James birthday! grotty eh?
 then little Lucy went for her first nursery emotionally stressed...
She didn't like it and has politely informed me..
I Don't think I will go again!?
 so Wednesday next taster should be fun..not!?
Then went to collect boys from school having missed them
and get ready for party tea, cakes and presents when the day took a turn for the stressful,
 James (the I am 10 today son!) fell ,
 bumped his head..on the oven handle and half an hour later
we were and 3 children in casualty!!!
 GREAT....not quite what I had planned for the birthday boy...
Thankfully all is well, a lovely , nurse , some magic glue and three lollipops later
and we could go home!
A relieved, shaken and rather rung out me!
thankfully Daddy arrived and presents and cake happened..slightly later than planned!
anyways enough dramas.. here is a quick make!
made for a friend for her mum..colours chosen by friend

I added distress in broken china and peacock feathers
and an embossed panel in middle
which needed to say Happy birthday

lots of distress inky yumminess,
some pewter treasure gold to edge..
LOVE this stuff..

I stamped and clear embossed the butterflies
then highlighted texture with treasure gold.

stamped some flourishes on corners and dyed seam binding to match..
I love seam binding so textural and yummy!

right I am away..
hoping that my tattered nerves soon return to normal..
well ready for nursery trial no 2  tomorrow!

have an inky one! 


  1. Hi Trace - a beautiful tag - but your day sounded awful - glad James's head is okay - bless him - what a birthday xxx

  2. beautiful Tag in beautiful color.

  3. So glad to hear after all that James is ok!
    Your tag is beautiful, Trace!

    Claudia x

  4. A lovely birthday tag, great soft colors.

  5. Oh Trace, what a horrible day you all had! So glad that James was OK in the end and got to enjoy his birthday in the end. It took me back a few years, quite a few hours spent in Casualty with my lot - but that's boys for you I guess. Love your gorgeous tag, I adore butterflies anyway and they look fabulous on the tag, great colours too. Hugs, Anne x

    1. Thanks yes, still jumpy but James is fine...!and dad arriving early from work was the cherry on his cake!!! Xx

  6. very elegant and beautiful tag

  7. wonderful all this faboulous details and the color makes me happy Trace!

  8. Good grief... do hope James enjoyed his birthday eventually, but you're so right not to mess about with head knocks. Will keep my fingers crossed for the nursery drop off tomorrow - according to my brother there was much wingeing as my niece and nephew returned to school this morning!

    As for the tag - well, with my current colour obsession, of course I love it! The glimmery butterflies look lovely. Just got that embossing folder in one of the sales - so very much looking forward to playing with it...
    Alison x

    1. Thanks yes he did! Eventually a tenth birthday to remember! X

  9. Oh no Trace that sounds like a quite a day, glad James is on the mend and still able to enjoy some post birthday celebrations. Hope the nerves are better today. This is gorgeous, love all the embossing detail. xx

    1. Thanks so much! glad Dad got home from work early!!!

  10. Hi Trace, What a day you had!
    Beautiful tag, love the embossing (just got this one for Christmas)and such yummy colours.
    Avril xx

  11. This is such a pretty tag!! So sorry that you had to go to the hospital yesterday! At least all is better now! :)

  12. Oh you poor lamb - so glad all worked out well in the end for James. Gorgeous tag - beautiful colouring work and love the embossing and sparkle. Wishing Lucy (and you) a much better day tomorrow. It's never easy!!! Nicola x

  13. Seriously, you couldn't dream this day up!! Hope tomorrow goes more smoothly. Love your tag and I bet your friend's mum will too. Isn't Treasure Gold just wonderful! Hugs, Jenny x

  14. Ooh poor you.....stress doesn't even cover it! I imagine his next "show and tell" at school will be "bruise, magic glue, hospital, so brave....cake!" Amazed you found time to craft or blog!

    I hope the rest of the week isn't as eventful!

  15. Aw Poor James! Sounds like he is related to me! Tee Hee!
    Lovely tag there and the colours are gorgeous. Who can resit flutterbies!

  16. That was a day to remember !
    Love the tag the blue with the treasure pastes lovely :)
    Von ♥

  17. That's definitely one nervewracking day! Glad he's on the mend and hoping for calmer days for all :-)

  18. Glad James is on the mend and feeling much better, he'll remember the presents more than the bump on the head. Hopefully Lucy will have a better day on Wednesday, once she has a friend there, she will love it. Your tag is wonderful trace, love those colours as you know, and the butterflies are amazing. Michelle x

  19. What a day you have had Trace! Certainly one to remember! I did smile at Lucy though. I just love this tag, and I love the colours too. Judy x

  20. Fantastic tag which will be really welcome I'm sure. Sorry about your really stressful day and I hope James is feeling ok this morning.

    Love Chrissie xx

  21. A little bit late; congrats with your suns birthday! This not the way that you want a birthday to go, but I'm glad it's going to be good! A birthday that will be remembered for sure!
    Love the tag; always love butterflies and great to sea this color! Hugs, Gerrina

  22. Hi Trace
    Wow what a day you had stress must have been your middle name! I am glad to hear the family are all ok and hope your little girl has more fun on her next visit to nursery.
    This is a very pretty tag the colour looks so viberant and really makes this tag POP.

  23. Children are quite an adventure - never a dull moment! Trace I do not know how you get the time to make all the beautiful tags that you do - I love your style.


Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a means a lot..hope you like what you see. Trace x