
Friday 4 January 2013

I'm back......with some Fab news!!!!!

well hey there..I have been missing in a cosy bubble of family-ness..
I have been indulging myself and enjoying having Hubbie and all the children at home together..
and just soaking that up..
my mojo well that has been missing in action..
but I think I found him under the craft table..feeling very un-loved!
and now for some amazing..need to pinch myself news!!!
I have been invited to join the amazing Frilly and Funkie design team...
with some amazing boots to fill
and alongside some wonderful people
with incredible talents....that have made me feel nervous and thrilled at the same time
thanks so much to Linda for asking me
what a wonderful way to start my year!
and to all the wonderful ladies..cannot wait to work with you all!
and soo thrilled my friend Jenny is here ..
Donna, Terry, Jenny, Sue, Rebecca and obviously Linda!
links to there blogs will be found on the blog and in my sidebar soon!
thanks to everyone who has already left me comments..
with school time approaching, Hubbie back at work and
Little Lucy starting nursery
(boo hoo)
I am now ready to throw myself back into blog land 100%
see me in a comment box near you soon!
oh and some fab new the wonderful Linda's shop will  be reopening Saturday!
have a fun and inky one!


  1. Yay, yay, yay (as I've already said)... what an adventure!
    Alison x

  2. Brilliant news and well deserved Trace. You will be a wonderful addition to the team I'm sure.

    Good Luck

    Love Chrissie xx

  3. Congratulations looking forward to your creative inspiration for mojo's gone awol!!!

  4. SO pleased we will be working together on this amazing team! 2013 is going to be a great year:) Hugs, Jenny x

  5. SO pleased we will be working together on this amazing team! 2013 is going to be a great year:) Hugs, Jenny x

  6. Huge congratulations Trace. Enjoy. Tracy x

  7. Congratulation. They are lucky to have you. :-)

  8. Terrific news!! Congrats! Linda is such a gem. I hope you have tons of fun!

    Happy Crafting

  9. Congratulations Trace...enjoy your DT membership!!

    Greetings, Alie :-)

  10. Hi Trace, my second attempt at leaving a comment. I have said it to you already but I am so very pleased and delighted for both you and Jenny! Many congratulations to you both, you both so deserve this and I am looking forward to a great year of gorgeous makes from you. Hugs, Anne x

  11. congrats Trace - this is wonderful news - can't wait to see what you make xx

  12. It is totally awesome that you said YES to our invitation. SO happy to have you joining the team. Your work is amazing and I can't wait to see what you will make for our challenges. Looking forward to designing along side you for the next six months!


  13. Sweetie, you don't have a thing to worry about! Just be you and you will knock their socks off! Have a wonderful 2013! Hugs from an Ex-Funkie!

  14. Congratulations Trace its good to read happy news.
    Yvonne x

  15. Congratulation Trace :) and look forward to seeing what Mr Mojo was thinking about under the craft table :)
    Von ♥

  16. Well done Trace, you're gonna be great I just know it, you have a wonderful crafty imagination and I can't wait to see what you make for Frilly and Funkie. Poor mojo, bet he was glad to see you? It's good to have a little break, because then you come back with new ideas and bursting with creativity. I bet your kids had a whale of a time too. Happy New Year Trace, this is going to be a great year! Michelle x

  17. Yay Trace WTG. You will be a huge asset on this team, can't wait to see what you inspire us with. Mahoosive congrats. xx

  18. Congrats! You gals get to work with some really cool stuff/shops o'er the other side of the pond!

  19. Woo hoo congratulations Trace, I can't think of anyone better to join the team at F&F, you are perfect to showcase the themes and products. I am looking forward to seeing what you create .
    Hugs Brenda xxx

  20. Wow, these are wonderful news. Congratulations :) Well deserved.

  21. That´s great! Congrats and lots of crafty fun in their team! Hugs, Gerrina

  22. Big huge congrats to you!!! You will be perfect!


Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a means a lot..hope you like what you see. Trace x