
Monday 28 January 2013

my take, on Tims tag January 2013..and an inspired ATC

well I had a ball playing along with Tim's tags 2012 and managed all 12, so here I am with my take on Tim's January tag for 2103   ..hoping I can make all 12 again!
If you haven't played along pop across here and see the master at work..the tags are packed full of techniques and Tim's eye for design and detail and great fun to play along.
So here is my make:
(I did stay as true to Tim's tag as possible ..because I loved it and had nearly all of the stash!)
I also made an inspired ATC..see later in post!

There are so many things I loved about this tag, the fab colour combinations..something I have not used together before..but definitely will again..yummy! I do love my distress!

The grungepaper cogs, fab love them!
Cogs , well you know me and cogs...don't know what it is but I love them!

I loved the stamped ribbon too...another will be using again...idea!
I loved making this much I made an atc inspired by the colours...oh and my new blueprint mini stamp just fell through the letterbox at the right time...

I loved the colours so much and just had to have a quick play with my new stamps..rude not too!
I added a spinner for a clock hand and added crackle accents around it. The image was coloured with distress markers and my waterbrush and scuffed and edged with distress.

I am loving these new blueprints...cannot wait to add some more to my collection!!!
I was naughty and bought two of the new mini sets..restrained I felt!!!

have a fun and inky day!
I am adding my ATC to artful times time ATC challenge and linking up my Tim's tag for 2103


  1. Simply gorgeous take on Tim's tag, and the ATC is absolutely fantastic too - Distress rules!
    Alison x

  2. Fab take on Tim's tag and lucky you having all that stash! ATC looks great too, love the crackle on the clock!

  3. Hi Trace, fabulous tag, and very true to the original. Love the ATC and your new stamp.
    Avril xx

  4. Great minds think alike!! (you'll see why:) Love your take on Tim's tag and I adore that new blueprint stamp - seriously good idea to use the crackle accents. I need these stamps but 'invested' in something else first... hugs, Jenny x

  5. Great minds think alike!! (you'll see why:) Love your take on Tim's tag and I adore that new blueprint stamp - seriously good idea to use the crackle accents. I need these stamps but 'invested' in something else first... hugs, Jenny x

  6. Trace...your tag is so cool! I love how you've used the mini blueprint clock on this tag...tucking it into little metallic gears and cogs. Such a cool tag! Thanks for the comment you left on my blog as well. <3 Candy

  7. Brilliant take on Tim's tag, it was so up your street too! Loving your ATC too with the crackled face clock. I am still waiting for my new blueprints to be delivered, can't wait! Hugs, Anne x

  8. oh so fabulous Trace - and that clock blueprint is a must have - love it to bits! Hugs xx

  9. Both the tag and ATC are great industrial-looking creations! Love the ATC more, but that's just because of the stamp ypu used... Hugs, Gerrina

  10. The tag and ATC are both terrific and great takes on the original

    Love Chrissie xx

  11. Gorgeous tag & ATC... Fabulous take on Tims Tag... Love that ATC the clock is brilliant... I need those stamps.... Hugs May x x x

  12. Great tag and atc Trace...nice steampunk the crackle effect on the atc.

    greetings, Alie :-)

  13. Two fantastic makes, great details on both. Love those stamps.
    Yvonne x

  14. Owww aren't they super Trace I'm quiet taken by those blue print stamps and love how you have used them :)
    Thank you for sharing with us at Artful Times
    Von ♥

  15. love the tag and the atc, the crackle in the centre of the clock is great.

  16. A fabulous make Trace, I just love the blueprints too. Did the same and ordered two of the mini sets.
    Hugs Brenda xox

  17. Absolutely fabulous Makes hugs Sandra X

  18. Beautiful tag and ATC Trace, I enjoyed this Timmy tag too. Wouldn't it be easy to run up the national debt every time Tim has a new stamp release lol xx

  19. Wonderful Trace -- I am going to try to let it inspire me to come up with my own design --- oh how I love your blog!!

  20. Ooh, Aah! What a fab tag. From one Distress freak to another - I love everything about this. Must find out what colours you used as they are sooo good! Need those stamps, oh Tracey, you have got me wanting to spend after seeing this. It is fab!
    Hugs, Neet (Artful Times) xx

  21. I haven't finished my catch up!!
    Love this tag Trace - ALL of it is right up my street. My favourite must be the ATC though with that fab little clock and cracked face - wonderfully inspiring. (I NEED these stamps!).
    Hugs, Juliaxxx


Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a means a lot..hope you like what you see. Trace x