
Friday 8 February 2013

Friday Focus for Frilly and Funkie - Blueprints stamps

Well it's my turn  to do the Friday Focus over at Frilly and Funkie and I have chosen the fab Blueprints stamps. (Also as they are the Friday Focus they will have an additional 15% off the already low prices that Linda offers in the Funkie Junkie boutique.)
I love the fact that not only are there so many wonderful designs to choose from but they come in sets of mini blueprints too in the same eh!? So enough words..
here is as sneaky peak, to see more click here and whizz across to see my makes and hopefully be inspired!

have a fun and inky one!


  1. Just popped over to see your Fabulous creations.. WOW..Love them all... Hugs May x x x

  2. I went over too Trace and agree with May - fabulous creations! Hugs, Anne x

  3. Ooh, lovely looking sneak peek, but Blueprints on special offer? Ouch, come on willpower, let's go and look!
    Alison xx

  4. brilliant - I agree too! Hugs xx

  5. Back from F&F and only one word needed: WOW! Just fab makes and I've left a longer comment over there. Have a great weekend and I'll catch up with you soon. Hugs, Juliaxxx

  6. Hi Trace ,just found your blog and what brilliant projects you make , I said to my self I need to follow you.
    Andy xx

  7. Hi Trace ,just found your blog and you have some beautiful projects on here .I said to my self I need to follow you.
    Andy xx

  8. I just pop up from F&F to say that you again did fantastic work. Very craetive!! I have to buy those stamps! :)
    Hugs from Slovenia

  9. Mmmm looks intriguing, gotta go take a peek.
    hugs [brenda] x0x

  10. Just took a look - wonderful project :)


Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a means a lot..hope you like what you see. Trace x