
Tuesday 26 February 2013

my make for Tim's tags february 2013

well how has the month gone that fast! this is a quick post as Hubbie is typing to save my hand! see..trying to be a good girl!!

This tag for February from Tim is fab , as always and sadly I am so NOT HAPPY with mine but only meant to be using one hand and running out of time I will not be able to make another! gutted..

So I made all 12 last year and want to do the same this year so here is my poor tag:

well short and sweet today..
I am linking this for Tims tags 2013..
and will be back tomorrow with my make for the share a word and layer it up over at Frilly and Funkie.

If I have missed commenting I am sorry , trying to keep up with DT commitments and rest my hand as much as possible, normal service will be resumed soon...I hope..i have things I want to be inking!!

have a fun and inky one!

trace x


  1. your tag is gorgeous Trace - I think its fabulous!!! Hope the hand is better soon though 0- it must be very frustrating for you xx

  2. Well if this is one handed, you'd never know! I love that you are dictating to your hubby to write the post - well done both of you!! Hope the hand is fully rested and useable soon!

  3. Well I think it's a great tag! Hope your hand is getting better, take it easy! Hugs Elizabeth xxx

  4. Sending you huge healing hugs Trace. Love the tag - one handed is impressive and really should be allowed to go into a category of its own as I bet even Tim would be stretched crafting single-handed! Jenny x

  5. Sending you huge healing hugs Trace. Love the tag - one handed is impressive and really should be allowed to go into a category of its own as I bet even Tim would be stretched crafting single-handed! Jenny x

  6. I don't think it's poor at all... It looks fab! Love the pink and red tinting on the image (very impressive for one hand!), and the tissue tape is so cool on the yummy background. Glad to hear you're doing your best to take care of yourself with all the commitments, and bravo husband for pitching in!
    Alison x

  7. It's a fab tag from my perspective. Hoping to get mine done soon! Take care.

  8. Hi Trace, your tag is fantastic. Its amazing what you managed to do with only the use of one hand. Hope things are getting better for you. Hugs Rita xxx

  9. I don't think it is poor either Trace and considering you did it one handed you have done an amazing job, love the background and your embellies look fabulous. Good to hear that you are still resting up the hand and hubby is still doing a great job on the typing. Hugs, Anne x

  10. I'm with you on how fast the months going. Time is flying by and I'm missing so much. How did I not know about your hand. You poor thing. It's always best to remove hand from handle before moving on ;-). Having said that it does not seem to have slowed you down. Love your take on the tim tag and congrats on top 3 over at fun with atc's xx well deserved. I really hope your hand feels better soon x

  11. Amazing Trace that you've made this lovely tag with only one hand to use!!!

    Greetings, Alie :-)

  12. If I concider what you are doing with one hand then there are crafters that woun´t reach your level now with two hands! Just hope you´ve got some more patient left, so your hand won´t take longer to heal! Wishing you peace, patient and healing energy! Hugs, Gerrina

  13. I agree with all of the others--your tag is just terrific.

    Hope the hand is getting better and thank you to your husband for keeping us posted.

    Love Chrissie xx

  14. lovely vibrant tag Trace - hope your hand heals soon.
    Jean xx

  15. You are being too hard on yourself that is a great tag it really does look fabby. What a great hubby helping you like that keep resting that hand

  16. Trace your tag is fabulous....I love it!!! I hope that hand is on the mend.... Hugs May x x x

  17. I think you are brilliant for even attempting to make a tag one-handed! Its better than I could do with two good hands LOL. Hope you are soon on the men and well done to hubby for pitching in and helping.

  18. I can't believe you are still creating and doing it with one hand, you are naughty, love the tag.

    Maybe you should rest the hand, you have been a busy girl or should I say an naughty one. LOL


  19. You so called poor tag runs circles around anything I could do Trace. I think your creation is really neat and I heart you too!


Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a means a lot..hope you like what you see. Trace x