
Thursday 21 February 2013

one handed!!

just a quick post to say thanks to everyone who has been so kind over my silly hand injury!

I was a good girl and after many kind buddies, hubby and pharmacist saying should really get it looked at I did!

now typing one fingered as hand has been x-rayed, thankfully no broken bones just bruising and ligament damage ... so it has a nice splint which has to be worn for at least three weeks and I have to rest it!

easier said than done with 3 children, but I am being good..

i will try and leave all my comments but if I miss one in the next few weeks please forgive me!

my creative expressions DT make will be tomorrow .

thanks to everyone who has been so kind, it is true crafters really are the kindest people!
..i still hope to blog, comment and craft ...slowly!! and one handed..

(the altered book I hoped to blog will wait, missed deadline!)
have a fun and inky one!



  1. Glad you haven't broken anything, and now that it's splinted should recover - take care next time!!! Don't worry about leaving comments if it's too difficult, we understand! xx

  2. Hi Trace, sorry I have been neglecting my blog friends after being ill, but I'm now much better and blogging again. I'm sorry to hear about your accident, but hopefully it will all be better soon. Hugs Rita xx

  3. O bless, take care, but I do know that's easier said than done. Elizabeth xxx

  4. Just doing a mega catch up on your blog Trace and I'm sorry you are nursing an injury. Hope the splint and rest are doing the trick and you'll be back to full steam very soon. It's bad enough to be incapacitated when you only have yourself to look after, let alone with a young family.

    Lesley Xx

  5. hey Trace - don't worry about visits - just get yourslef better - I want to see more of your wonderful makes! Hugs rachel xx

  6. That's bad luck Trace...hope your hand will be okay after the three weeks rest! It will be difficult with 3 children at home.
    Hope you will get some handy help!

    Bye for now, Alie :-)

  7. Hi Trace, you should save your hand for crafting rather than commenting, everyone will understand that you cannot look after your family and do a dozen other things too. Really hope the splint helps with the pain and also the healing. BTW - your one handed typing is excellent! Hugs, Anne x

  8. Take care of yourself Trace, hope you will be able to rest your hand and that it heals well.
    Yvonne x

  9. It is important to let your hand heal! I always love it when you come visit and comment, but I will certainly understand as will others, so just use your hand as you can! Hey, you can always just comment with a "Hi." Rest that lovely inky hand and sending you hugs!

  10. Ouch, get well soon then, Trace!

    Take care and take your time letting the hand heal completely!

    Claudia x

  11. You've made an old nurse very happy... Glad to hear you had your hand checked & x rayed Trace!!! I was on my way round with a bandage (lol), Dont you worry about commenting at the mo... just rest your hand the best you can!!! Hugs (matron) May x x x x

  12. Ouch sorry to hear about your hand Trace. Try to take it easy, I know it's hard with 3 kids!! Hope it heals quickly x

  13. Hope the splint will help you to a speedy recovery... 3 weeks sounds like an awfully long time to have to go slow, but important to get it properly better. Perfect excuse to get everyone else doing the chores!!
    Alison xx

  14. Hi Trace,hope you make a speedy recovery,and that your hand will be ok,Take care Jacqueline.S

  15. Oh Tracy you poor thing! Hope the splint will speed things up at least, I really feel for you! But yes, like Alison says get the family to help (easier said than done, I know!) You should not feel pressure about leaving comments though, I'm sure everyone will understand!! Hang in there and sending lots of good thoughts!
    Look forward to your CE post tomorrow!

  16. So pleased you went to get it sorted out Trace. Three weeks will soon pass-well I hope it will cause we will all miss your wonderful makes.

    Take care.

    Love Chrissie xx

  17. Rest up...3 weeks is not that long! Draw in a journal all your ideas and then do them when you are well!

  18. You know it would have been easier on you if you had broken a bone - torn ligaments are harder to mend. Well at least I have been told that. But I know you will do what the doctor says -- You want that hand to be well and up to snuff again.
    Best wishes!

  19. Sending huge hugs! Hope your hand gets better very soon. Make sure you rest and recover!!! - We want you back fit and well to carry on your beautiful work! Lots of love and hugs Laura xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a means a lot..hope you like what you see. Trace x