
Tuesday 12 March 2013

a big huge sorry...

well this is just a quick post to say sorry to all those whose crafty blogs I love to follow...sorry because I have neglected your comments. .. sorry because I have been quiet and a fairly rubbish blogging buddy! I am very very SORRY!!

lots of things have conspired against me and my blogland friends ....and for that I am sorry ..for the next few weeks I will only be posting my dt pieces and thank you for your kind and caring words...I will be back!!

My blog posts will be done as usual but my visits may be few and far between until a few things settle here.....

SORRY and I will be back to full service and comments soon..

hugs trace  x


  1. No sorry Trace, I understand. You can use your time once. I enjoy of your work and also I cann't answer all my visitors.
    Have a nice day
    lovely greet

  2. Hello Trace, I have missed your lovely posts. Sometimes life itself gets in the way of other things, and I'm sure we have all been there at sometime or another. You come back when your ready and Take Care. Hugs Rita xxx

  3. Hi Trace, I think we all understand that life gets in the way of crafting/blogging from time to time. Looking forward to you getting back when you are ready. Take care of yourself. Big hugs, Anne xx

  4. Oh Trace. NEVER apologise - family and home always come first. Get back onto an even keel and then make a slow comeback ONLY when the time is right. I shall be thinking of you and watching out for your posts with the same anticipation as always. Love & Hugs, Juliaxxxxxx

  5. don't you worry Trace - we'll all still be here - big hugs xx

  6. Take all the time you need, and don't be sorry... If this is to do with your hand, then I hope some proper rest (between DT pieces) will get it on the road to full recovery. For any other stuff that might be going on, I wish you well with it, and hope you'll find a way through...
    We'll be ready and waiting when you're ready.
    Much love,
    Alison xx

  7. No apology necessary, we all know that real life takes over sometimes and bloglife needs to sometimes take a back seat.

    Hope things sort themselves out


  8. There's no need for apology Trace! As Alison said, whether it is your hand or anything else, we want you to heal and we will be here when you are able to return. Hope all is well for you sweets. Nicola x

  9. Forget about the blogs at the moment Trace, we will still be here when you get back to having the time and health to do so. Take care of you and your family and we look forward to seeing you when the time is right.
    hugs {brenda} x0x

  10. Well I was going to say don't ever apologise for getting your priorities right, but everyone has beaten me to it so hopefully by now you will have stopped feeling guilty! You take care of yourself and those around you. Huge hugs, Jenny xxx

  11. Real life is more important than blogland Trace...please no sorry...

    All the best...see you when you can :-) Alie

  12. Well I was going to say don't ever apologise for getting your priorities right, but everyone has beaten me to it so hopefully by now you will have stopped feeling guilty! You take care of yourself and those around you. Huge hugs, Jenny xxx

  13. Oh Trace don't be sorry, we all understand that life, home and family are the most important things in your life and we completely understand. Take all the time you need bud, we'll all be happy to see you again soon, whenever you're ready. :)

  14. Hi Trace.....I agree with previous comments. .....your family and your health are your priority. Your blog friends will be here when you are back posting and commenting.

    Take care and a huge hug is heading your way

    Annie x

  15. Life happens Trace... You take all the time you need.. we will all be still here on your return!! Big Hugs May x x x x

  16. It´s important to take all the time you need! Hope all will calm down in a while and see you back whenever you´re ready! Warm greetings and hugs, Gerrina

  17. No need to apologize Sugar - we all love following you and just hope that things will settled down and your hand is healing nicely!

  18. No need to apologize...we know you have a lot to handle with your hand and slow typing! Before you know it things will be back to normal.

  19. I do hope things get settled for you soon Trace. I love to visit your blog and see the wonders that you create but I don't expect you to visit mine at all. It is always great to have you visit and leave a comment though:)

    Take care

    Love and a hug Chrissie xx

  20. Dear Trace, don't say sorry; I'm a little bit in my own world and have only just seen your post; hope you feel better soon Trace and if there's anything I can do to help please ask! God bless love Jean xxx


Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a means a lot..hope you like what you see. Trace x