
Tuesday 30 April 2013

anyone for domino's? - inspired by Brenda

well this is another make that has been sat patiently waiting to be blogged and this piece was inspired by the lovely Brenda , whose wonderful blog can be found here . It is full of lots of yummy creations , so make sure you take a look! So here is my domino book , inspired by the lovely Brenda:

Well it had to be brown and have cogs didn't it!!!
So lots of pics..sorry...

I used a combination of lots of Sam Pooles stamps for Creative Expressions...vintage Inventor, Vintage treasures and Vintage these sets... I also used some fab Tim Holtz ones and My favourite hand and steampunk gents!

I used all my favourite inks, in yummy distress colours, Distress paints, background stamps from Creative Expressions...and Archival ink to create all the stamped layers inside..

Then on the front my favourite mini gears and some of the fab new Rub ons from Tim Holtz...loving these! Oh and  a few Prima cogs that fell in my basket the other week! oops!

Thanks Brenda, I would never have tried this without your inspiration...


welcome to my new followers and thanks too everyone for all their kind comments here and on facebook, they are all truly appreciated!

have a fun and inky one!
trace x

Monday 29 April 2013

my Tim's tag for April 2013

well talk about last! I am so late with this tag and not entirely sure that I have mastered the crafty master Tim's technique..needs more play time me thinks..
Anyway here is my make , and Tim's fab make can be found here ;

I love Tim's technique, not sure I have enough metallic distress or enough blue in a few more pictures and I will leave you in peace!


have a fun and inky one!
trace x

Sunday 28 April 2013

a heart a day keeps bad things at bay...

well , I know naff title! but here is my very speedy hearty make for today. I made this small hanging , just because and here it is :

I started by painting a small art part and then layering texture paste through my favourite script stencil, when dry I applied gesso across it. Then when dry I applied ....yes you have guessed weathered wood, broken china and frayed burlap.

Then I swiped across with white fire treasure gold, oh and some dark treasure gold too.

The heart was cut from white cardstock and stuck to a smaller corrugated card heart behind to strengthen and thicken it. I then applied 2 step deco art crackle glaze. When dry I inked and added some treasure gold.

Some rusty wire and a chit chat sticker, oh and some wings....(no self respecting heart should be without them!) completes the make.

have a fun and inky one!
trace x

Saturday 27 April 2013

inspired by Jenny aka Buttons......

Well here I am today with a make I made a while back inspired by the lovely Jenny aka Buttons, whose wonderful blog can be found here. The techniques I used here are inspired by this post here, the Friday Focus for Frilly and Funkie. There is lots of great Friday Focus projects that focus on all sorts of different products and some great inspiration. So this one is inspired by Jenny :

I started by using all the techniques detailed by Jenny on some card . I then cut this up to cover the pocket envelope. I love how this highlights the textures. make sure you pop here for all the details.

I love hearts and so I added a heart cut using the movers and shapers heart die and then added ink and a good coating of rock candy. Some wings, a twirl of wire and a chit chat sticker and the envelope is finished.

To place inside the pocket envelope I made an atc in coordinating colours using the distress paints and some small pieces of the paper used to cover the envelope.

This heart was again cut from the movers and shapers die and has wings and wire, but was covered with texture paste through sequin waste  and then coloured with inks . the background was done using distress paints .

 thanks for stopping by
have a fun and inky day!
trace x

Friday 26 April 2013


well I have taken the plunge and am running some workshops in Newark , NOTTS... I hope if people want to come!! excited ...yes...nervous...yes...

all the details are here

have a fun and inky one!
trace  x

believe in yourself...for creative expressions DT

well here I am with my make for Creative Expressions and this time I have gone for softer feel for this fab steampunk dressform , which is one of the new singles stamps...which can be found here. So here is my make for this week...and hold onto your's a card!

I started by creating the background for the card using a stencil and some white studio 490 embossing paste, this stuff is fab! (a similar stencil to the one I have used can be found here). When dry I added distress inks in broken china, weathered wood and frayed burlap....I have fallen so in love with these colours at the moment! When dry a bit of a spritz of water and dry , as this gives  a lovely effect.

The image was stamped in weathered wood distress ink and then clear embossed before tearing out.  I then applied the same inks around this image and spritzed with water.

When dry I edged the image with the yummy new gilding wax in pearl moon...this is yummy and smells pretty good too!?! The sentiment was treated in the same way and comes from the jam packed wordy sayings.

I took some white flowers and made my own spray using stormy sky re-inker and water in a mini mister bottle and spritzed them. Then I added some frayed burlap distress ink when dry and then some of the pearl moon gilding wax. Some twirls of wire and the flower stems twirled and some lovely crochet ribbon that's it!

well hope you like my make for this week..

have a fun and inky one!
trace  x

Wednesday 24 April 2013

upcyle for earth day for Frilly and Funkie DT

well it is the Funkie dt teams turn over at Frilly and Funkie to share their inspiration for the new theme chosen by the lovely and talented Linda.
Make sure you pop across and see the other fab DT make could be the next chosen winner or randomly selected for $25 to spend at Linda lovely online store ...The Funkie Junkie Boutique.

So the Theme is upcycle for earth here is my make from an upcycled box:

 and inside...
So here is how my upcycled project started life..

I started by crackling the box using paint and crackle medium and then onto the fun part.. I sued various stamps from the Artistic Outpost set Generation Redux , a real favourite and I love that there are small stamps great for creating background elements. I used antique linen distress paint and Frayed burlap and vintage photo distress ink to create lots of stamped layers. I then did some stamping with the yummy new antique bronze distress paint too.

I also used the music script from Artistic Outpost ephemera backgrounds. I tried to create layers of soft stamping that add to the overall background but don't all leap out..

The flowers are made using the same method as I used for my Saturday stepXstep ..details here. ( using ranger foil, embossing folders, alcohol ink, idea-ology washers and long fastners). I then added these to the box and added idea-ology leaves and some twirls of rusty wire

 I used an idea-ology piece for the centre (I changed the colour using treasure gold) and added a chit chat sticker.
Inside I shredded some old book pages, ok, I am behind the times I cut them into strips with my scissors!! I then made a mini canvas using some rusty wire, chit chat sticker and one of the beautiful rusty hearts that Linda has in her boutique...I love these , so this would be for a special friend!

Hope that you will find time to hop here and  play along , there are so lovely makes already and you never know you may be a winner!

have a fun and inky day!
trace x