
Saturday 27 April 2013

inspired by Jenny aka Buttons......

Well here I am today with a make I made a while back inspired by the lovely Jenny aka Buttons, whose wonderful blog can be found here. The techniques I used here are inspired by this post here, the Friday Focus for Frilly and Funkie. There is lots of great Friday Focus projects that focus on all sorts of different products and some great inspiration. So this one is inspired by Jenny :

I started by using all the techniques detailed by Jenny on some card . I then cut this up to cover the pocket envelope. I love how this highlights the textures. make sure you pop here for all the details.

I love hearts and so I added a heart cut using the movers and shapers heart die and then added ink and a good coating of rock candy. Some wings, a twirl of wire and a chit chat sticker and the envelope is finished.

To place inside the pocket envelope I made an atc in coordinating colours using the distress paints and some small pieces of the paper used to cover the envelope.

This heart was again cut from the movers and shapers die and has wings and wire, but was covered with texture paste through sequin waste  and then coloured with inks . the background was done using distress paints .

 thanks for stopping by
have a fun and inky day!
trace x


  1. Fabulous Trace and a brilliant inspiration post inspired by another great lady. Love the textures and colours you have used and the gorgeous heart and wings
    Hope you have a good weekend.
    Hugs Brenda xox

  2. Wow, they are beautiful. Love the colour & the different textures are terrific.

  3. beautiful work Trace - love the crackled heart on the pocket envelope especially - stunning - and good luck with the workshops - wished I lived a bit closer - or you did one in half term!!!!! Big Hugs Rachel xx

  4. Oh Trace, thank you for the greatest compliment in taking an idea forward and creating this amazing project in your own style!!! LOVE how that embossed texture has really popped out on the envelope and the fact that you have used the coordinating torn strips on your ATC. The hearts are so beautiful and the way you have dragged in the silver paint on the edge of the ATC is so clever.
    People should now be queueing up to join your workshops! Have a peaceful and happy weekend, hugs Jenny xxx

  5. This is a beautiful make Trace. I love all the textures and your wonderful hearts. Absolutely stunning. Jenny is such a talent and like you I love to visit her blog.

    Have a lovely weekend

    Annie x

  6. Inspirational it is Trace! Lovely techniques on your creations.

    kind regards, Alie :-)

  7. Fabulous - so many wonderful textures.

  8. LOVE THIS, Trace!

    Envelope and ATC make an awesome couple!!! Brilliant textures!!! Yummy!!!!

    Claudia xxx

  9. Beautiful Trace. I think the heart is so beautiful and fits in perfectly on your creation. Have a Good Day. Hugs Rita xx

  10. This set is stunning! The way that you used the techniques on both and give it such a different look; just great! Have a good weekend, Gerrina

  11. Awesome card and texture. Randomly i just need to make a birthday card and i'll give it a try (:o)

  12. Fabulous creation! Love all the textures and that crackled winged heart is a real stunner!!

  13. Gorgeous, gorgeous and TOTALLY gorgeous! I love both the envelope and the little ATC and the hearts are to die for - my favourite is the one with rock candy but love the other too!
    Hope all is well with you and your family.
    Big hugs,

  14. Just a wonderful project, great colors and texture.

  15. So very pretty Inky Pinky! Now why do I think You have a love affair with heart. Love all your artwork Sugar!

  16. So beautiful, Trace... you've put Jenny's brilliant techniques into such beautiful use here... wonderful!
    Alison xx

  17. Fantastic project!! Love the envelope & ATC.. Brilliant texture & heart... Love it Trace... Hugs May x x x

  18. Fab, fab, fab! So creative and inspiring Trace, love these! Chris xxx

  19. Great project, and great inspiration behind it! I love the hearts!

  20. I love this Trace, Saw it on FB totally beautiful, Sorry I am not keeping up with the visits, I do see everything though xx Always beautiful x

  21. So fabulous! Love all the amazing texture!


Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a means a lot..hope you like what you see. Trace x