
Monday 15 April 2013

if you never did....

well today is back to 'normal', the boys are back and hoo... and little Lucy will be super fed up! It will be a tough day for James as he has missed lots of school and been the reason for my less than super blogging and commenting performance ..... so fingers crossed he will manage just mornings at school this week and not be too exhausted .. poor kid! many tests results still waiting... BUT.. I have given mysef a talking could be far far worse, so stop being so silly, pull yourself together and get on with it!!!

So welcome to my little blog post today, inspired by the talented and lovely Tracy Evans whose blog post that inspired me can be found here . Now I decided to start super small and gain confidence as I am only dipping my toe here goes :

Now I know it cannot compete with all the amazing stuff out there and the lovely Alison has an amazing make here , I have never tried this before and I love it! and this piece is expect more to come ( I know there is as I had a play after this and braved some bigger ones! ).

I started with a blank coaster and arranged my goodies onto it

Then covered the whole thing in a coat of gesso, I liked plain and covered in gesso, so when I got to the spraying part felt a bit nervous to say the least..after much spraying, with colour and water I was happy and left to dry. I used white linen and calypso teal and water and then I made some sprays with distress re-inkers...namely stormy sky and gathered twigs.

I then added some dry brushed gesso for highlights and pearl moon gilding wax ( pearl moon ) from creative this stuff!!

The sentiment is from Artistic Outpost - Think and Wonder. Finally I edged in walnut for a first go I am chuffed......

Right well I am off to get this whole school thing done...thanks to everyone for sticking by and I promise to keep up with commenting and blogging much better , but I hugely apologies if there is the odd hiccup along the way............

Thanks it means a lot,
have a fun and inky day!
trace x


  1. ...this is fabby Trace, would never guess it was a first attempt, love the sprockets and wings and the gorgeous infusion of colour, love it...Melxx :)
    Hope all goes well for first day back, we never stop worrying and freting about our little angels Xx

  2. Brilliant Trace, you would never know you were nervous, its so good. I love it. Hope James has a good morning. Michelle x

  3. Oh boy have you made a fantastic job of this Trace! You would never know this is your first time at taking on this style. Love that you have held back on the colours as that pastel palette works really well. Fingers crossed all goes well this week for you all, hugs Jenny x

  4. This looks fabulous Trace, and don't apologise - sounds like you have had lots to cope with and worries along the way - and family comes first, after all.. Hope James is ok. xx

  5. the before and after look...amazing what colours can do!

    kind regards, Alie :-)

  6. It is a gorgeous make & you should be proud xx Gail T xx

  7. Really terrific piece and so pleased that James has been able to go back to school though I am sure you can't wait for home time.

    Enjoy your day as much as you can-all us mums are the same and my daughter is 47 this year lol.

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. I still think yhis is a neat technique and the outcome can be so different with eacht work you make... Love the sky/blues and grays! Hope it will be good with your son at school... Hugs, Gerrina

  9. Hi Trace, fabulous piece and ism so thrilled you were inspired to have a go. Isn't it great fun and you get to use all sorts if bits and pieces . Love this piece Trace . Tracy x

  10. I love this technique! wonderful work! Barbarayaya

  11. Tracy's piece is beautiful but your is also fabulous - it has a Finnabair-esque look about it, which I love, looking forward to seeing more!

    I can so relate to your concerns Trace, when my lovely Son got a very bad case of Glandular Fever I thought he was going to die. You wouldn't be the loving Mum you are if you did not worry so much.... glad to hear that James is going back to school though and hope all goes well for him. Take care, Hugs, Anne xx

  12. I'm glad you're chuffed Trace - you surely should be - your piece is fabulous! Hope the day goes okay - my two went back today - straight off on a forest day school trip - then its ballet and freestyle after school so they should sleep well tonight! Hope the test results come back soon - don't be hard on yourself - when your kids are hurting everything is hard! Big Hugs xx

  13. WOW!!! Love it! This is a fun technique to do and you have done an amazing job with it. I love the way the lace looks like clouds floating behind all the flying cogs! Brilliant! Lots of love from Laura xxxxxxxx

  14. Hello Trace, So glad to hear that James is returning to school and I hope he does well, the main thing is that's he's happy.
    I love your hanging and it certainly sounds as if you had fun creating it too. Super Work. Hugs Rita xx

  15. This is so pretty, Trace! I love your technique on this ... and I love the sentiment! Those bits of lace give such great texture. The flying cogs and gears also are a great addition. And...I'm glad that you shared it with all of us! <3 Candy

  16. Looks amazing, loving the soft colours.
    Hope all wenr well for the first day back at school.
    Yvonne x

  17. Trace, this is a fun hanging and so delicate! Wonderful use of the technique. I have been working on a technique which also covers everything in gesso and then the fun begins! Have a great week!

  18. Way cool Trace :)
    Von ♥

  19. Hi Trace
    I don't know what you were worrying about, this is a great piece I love what you have done with it.
    I hope school went well for all the kids and that things improve for your family

  20. This is just amazing Trace. I hope all went well at School. Judy x

  21. Woww Trace,amazing steampunk creation,,,,,what a supberb vintage effect,,,,love the 3D effects..Thanks for your comments at Jenny ' s blog (pushingtherightbuttons) about my bird picts, feel free to ask me your favorite product from all my stuff for free.....e-mail me to

  22. It's a great piece, Trace, and what a great sentiment to send you on your way. I think you'll find it gets addictive as a technique... I know what you mean about Tracy's make, I could hardly believe my eyes, and thank you for the shout out too (goes to blog rather than post... but they'll find it I'm sure!!).

    Do hope James's day went well, and that he'll get through the week okay. Yes, it could be worse, but don't be too hard on yourself - the whole thing has been a massive strain, and I think you've done wonders keeping it together at home and in Craftyblogland. Oh, keep meaning to ask... how's your hand?
    Alison xx

  23. Hope your little boy has had a good day! X you've created a lovely hanging I'm loving the work i 've seen using this technique i really must have a go ! X

  24. I think your creation is wonderful Trace!! Although you were holding your breath, it looks to me like you did not need to!!!! Hope everything settles down and things do nothing but get better.

  25. This is lovely Trace, quite different. I'm looking forward to seeing more. Chris xxx

  26. Absolutely Beautiful
    Karen xo

  27. It's gorgeous Trace! And, its something I intend to try too! TFS! xx

  28. A gorgeous altered coaster, fabulous details.

  29. Finally I am catching up! and I don't have any children at home! What a super project, fabulous details and a great way of getting colour onto the project. Look forward to seeing more.

  30. This is fabulous Trace, wonderful elements and great spraying and colouring. You did a grand job on it. Hope all is going well for James.
    Hugs {brenda} x0x

  31. I always wondered where to start with altering a coaster, love what you've done with this one! Really liking the blue with the cogs, looks really distressed - fab!!


Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a means a lot..hope you like what you see. Trace x