
Thursday 6 June 2013

delight in everything and take nothing for is good x

Thanks to my blog friends for continuing to stop by despite me not being a great blogging friend...I decided my absence needed some kind of as you know James has been poorly and thankfully is improving all the while....
..............then .....we have had   a tough couple of weeks ( to say the least!) and I have had a bit of a scare but thankfully...I am hugely LUCKY and all is if i haven't been to your blogs that is why and I hope to remedy that real soon..just been a bit preoccupied.!

makes you realise...or reminds what really matters that is for sure ....and thanks to my wonderful husband for all your love and no-one else save them the worry...

James is steadily improving and I am crossing my fingers when i say this but he is going to try his first full day today! xx Oliver and Lucy well they are doing grand too life is good! xxx

have a fun and inky day!
trace x

will be back later with my frilly and funkie post .x


  1. Big hugs hun xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. So glad all is going well. Hopefully onwards and upwards now. Take care. Tracy x

    1. thanks so much, yes onwards and upwards x hugs x

  3. So glad all is well Trace, health and happiness is really all that you need :-) xx

  4. Sorry to hear life has been a little rocky but pleased to hear that things are improving. Much love and hugs to you and yours xx

  5. Bless you - I don't know what the issues are with James but can't really imagine what it must be like to deal and cope with one of children who is not in good health as for you whatever the problem it is good to know that it was a 'false alarm' and hopefully things will start to settle down for you xx luv your projects and your artwork - keep up the good work xx GailT xx

  6. Good to read that your going good again! The most important is to enjoy what you have and just keep some dreams for the future... Wish you time and patient to enjoy the sunny weather and all the little things that come on your path... Hugs, Gerrina

  7. Huge thumbs up! Fingers crossed that the full day goes well too!


  8. Glad things are looking up. Take care!

  9. Trace I am sorry that you had a nasty scare! Sometimes there are events in our lives that just take our breath away! Never take anything or anyone for granted is the truth! Glad all is looking better! Hugs!

  10. Hi Trace, so sorry to hear that things have not been good at your end but thankfully you are OK. No matter what, you have a lot of blog friends who will always be there for you. Hope everything goes well for you and hope James first full day is a good one. Take care my friend. Hugs, Anne xx

    1. thanks Anne, yes I am lucky to have such lovely blog friends xhugs trace x

  11. sending you big hugs hun xx

  12. Never ever apologize for not blogging lass, your family come first, that is the most important thing. Glad to hear that things are getting better for.
    Heidi x :-)

  13. So sorry to hear that you have had such a tough time, but so glad to hear that everything is moving forward for you too. I have learnt never to take anything for granted and enjoy every day. Take care of yourself x

  14. Always here... and thinking of you with love,
    Alison xx

  15. Wonderful post with real positivity about James and you. Hope things continue to get better and your positive attitude and caring husband sure will help to make things right with the world.

    Hugs Chrissie xx

  16. Sounds like you have been through more than a nightmare and I am so glad to read things are on the up. Glad your scare was all it was and that you can relax and enjoy life again and James sounds as if he is a real trooper, I really hope his full day is successful. Been thinking of you and sending positive vibes.
    Huge hugs {brenda} x0x

    1. thanks so much, James had a great day xhugs trace x

  17. Wishing you lots of love and everything positive Trace, for you and your family. Chris xxx


Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a means a lot..hope you like what you see. Trace x