
Friday 30 August 2013

My Tim's tag for August 2013...nearly missed it!!

Well here I am squeaking in at the last minute with my Tim's tag for this month, I love stamps and inks and have never tried Tim's mask sheets ( which are fab) so now seemed like a good time! Time was what nearly did for me, holidays and other stuff meant I am so behind, made the tag and then haven't found time to enough waffle here is a link to Tim's fab tag and below is mine :

I used fairly neutral colours and did flick a bit of water...but other than that I stuck to Tim's tutorial for this but used this great set of Tim stamps instead. Not having been to Paris but Disneyland in Paris holds many special and treasured memories for us as a family !

I know this technique will be played with again and again now I have been reminded of it and especially as the mask sheets are clear and make life really easy and unlike some can be reused!

Thanks Tim for another amazing tag and I promise not to be so lax and late next month! I have linked up my make here x

Have a fun and inky day!
Trace x 


  1. Love your background Trace with those great stamped images and colours and the fleur de lys is a perfect touch.
    hugs {brenda} x0x

  2. What a great tag! I haven't got August done, and am not likely to now, so well done for finding time! Have a lovely weekend.

  3. Terrific background and very Parisian with the images.

    Love Chrissie xx

  4. Great tag Trace. So pleased you got chance to play at such a busy time. Hugs, Jenny x

  5. Love the background you created Trace, the gentleman looks amazing and the fleur de lys is fabulous! Hugs, Anne x

  6. Uber cool - I almost feel like the guy is just about to walk up to me and say hi! Love the vintage feel of it.

  7. Wow, totally stunning! Love the vintage/old look! Have a sunny and creative weekend, hugs, Gerrina

  8. Wow what a great amazing result Trace...gorgeous vintage

  9. Love this Trace. Did you use Pumice Stone? I must get some of that. Love that man image too.

  10. Fantastic takes on the Tim Tag. Great choice of stamps.

  11. Fabulous background, Trace! Love the gentleman just stepping off the tag! Enjoy the weekend! Hugs!

  12. So cool, these are wonderful images.

  13. Loving the subtle colours, its a fabulous tag.

  14. This looks fab Trace. Have a lovely weekend. Nicola x

  15. Wow gorgeous tag, love the background!

  16. Love the extra water flicks you added to this tag and your masking technique works so well. At first glance I thought the fleur-de-lis was an embellishment!

  17. Trace,

    fantastic tag, I have not done any tags of Tim's at all, yep, none, honest... but I do love seeing all of your work, truly an artist.

    Hugs Eliza

  18. A British gentleman visit Paris. A very nice memento for his family to cherish.

  19. Love these masked images! Yours really pop!!!

  20. Oh, wow - love the subtle colours of this, and the masking looks amazing - the gentleman is so clearly in the "foreground"... wonderful! Sorry to have got so behind - but it's been lovely catching up with all your beautiful makes.
    Alison xx


Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a means a lot..hope you like what you see. Trace x