
Saturday 14 September 2013

some news and my last post for Creative Expressions DT...sadly

Well life is a journey that has many twists and turns and through which many doors open and close and along which we meet many friends.It has ups and downs along the way. So today will sadly be my last post for Creative Expressions, I have loved being part of this team and had hoped to continue for another year but have made the decision to resign and allow someone else the chance. I want to thank everyone for having me ...I will miss it.

Also while still on the news stuff, I am also taking a break from my fab team mates over at Dragons Dream TIO, but hope to be back at the end of October..

As many of you may or may not know my son has not been too well and is now starting his last year of primary school,however no road is ever smooth and having listened to many of my friends and lovely blogging friends I have decided to give myself some time to catch my breath and give me and my family the time they need. So if my comments are a little less frequent of I seem to disappear...have no fear I will be back. I just want to give my 3 children the time, love and support they need . I will continue my other design teams, so look forward to seeing you soon .xx

so here is my make for Creative Expressions:

So I used the stampers anonymous classics set #4 again, this is a really fab and versatile set. I applied some gold pearl texture paste to the card base with a palette knife and then spritzed the stamp and stamped into it and left to dry .

When dry I inked over the top with brushed courduroy DI.

This formed the background of the card , I also applied some of the texture paste to a paper bag, not the right sort really but it went okay!
To complete the card I added a torn inked panel and a heart stamped with the same stamp.

A little bit of rusty wire completes the card. I inked the bag using the same distress ink and lots of spritzing. When dry I over stamped with the same stamp set and added some dyed seam binding to the top .

I heated the texture paste which creates a bubbly texture I love but you can leave it to dry to get a smooth texture. It has a fab shimmer too!

Well that's all folks, thanks for stopping by....

have a fun and inky day!
Trace  x


  1. Gorgeous make to sign out with, Trace! Wishing you much luck as you spend time with your family - sometimes you just have to step back and do what is right for you! I know we'll be seeing you around blogland, but take care. xxx

  2. What a beautiful project to end on Trace. This is so beautiful. I'm sure the Creative Expressions team will sorely miss you as you have done them proud this year.

    On a personal note you know you have my full support and I totally understand why you are making these decisions. You only get one shot at supporting your family and they always come first in my book. Take care of yourself lovely lady, and be with that beautiful family of yours at this important time. Hugs always, Jenny xxx

  3. I am really sad this your last CE post but, as I've said before, taking time to breathe and step back is far more important. It's a wonderfully brave decision and, as always, I'm here if you need me. Much love xxx

  4. Hi Trace, so sorry to hear you are leaving but totally understand, family is very important and should always come first. Take care and look after yourself. Love your artwork, the rustic colour palette and texture. Tracy x

  5. wow it looks great,beautiful texture on it!
    Have a great weekend!
    Groetjes Karin

  6. Enjoy the precious time with your family. I do hope your son's last yr at primary is a good one. This is a lovely make. I have enjoyed your work so much since I started blogging in April! Thank you for all you've shared! Julie Ann xx

  7. Lovely work, a big hug to you and your family and do look into the lightning treatment for your son. xx

  8. Hi Trace - I'm sure both teams will miss you but also they will understand your reasons - you must put family first but I do look forward to seeing your makes whenever you have time - don't worry about visiting hun - its lovely when you do but I for one understand why you may be able to get round. Big Hugs rachel xx

  9. Hi Trace, I know you will be missed from the two design teams but you have to do what is right for yourself and your family. You will never get this precious time back, it only seems like yesterday that my two boys were in primary school and now they are all grown ! There have been many times when I would have loved to be able to turn the clock back! i do hope your son will be in better health soon
    best wishes Toni xx

  10. Hey you... sorry to hear that you are leaving the teams... they will miss you... as will everyone who loves your art. However, as your friends have said, YOU and your family are more important and we will all be here waiting for you when you come back... call it a little siesta hunny... I really wish that your boy was getting better, I hate the idea of that little fella suffering but he is going to be ok because he has you as his Mum... all the very best... will miss you! TTFN xx

  11. Stunning project! Take care of your family and enjoy your children.

  12. wishing you and your Family all the best

  13. Love the combiations af all elements and the shabby chic llok, really awesome!
    Big hugs Anja

  14. What a beautiful piece of Art Trace. Sorry to hear that your giving up your design teams. But certainly family always have to be first priority. Mind you they are not long in growing up and eventually you will get your own time back again. Enjoy your break and we will always be here if you feel like a trip to blogland. Hugs Rita xxx

  15. Fab make lass and can't fault your decision. Family always come first and as I've seen quoted before 'blog without obligation' . Crafty hugs x

  16. Hi Trace, I will miss your CE posts but I think you have made a good decision, you do need to take the time to breathe, reflect and spend time with your lovely family.

    This is a wonderful final creation, so very you! Take care and I for one will be here waiting for when you do find the opportunity to craft. Great big hugs, Anne xx

  17. No one knows better than I how much life can change in a blink. Mine has taken so many twists in the past 18 months I'm dizzy but families must always come first and unless we want to break under the strain sometimes we have to give things up for a while. Take care of yourself as well as your family Trace and when you know you've set them on the right path again you'll be able to come back with a clear conscience.

    Fabulous projects to go out of the DT with.

    Lesley Xx

  18. U do what u have to my lovely. Take care. xxx

  19. Love these! Enjoy your time with your family. It is precious indeed!

  20. Just beautiful art, Trace! I know you will be deeply miss, but at times, we just need to take some time off and catch our breath! I also have slowed down a bit, because life outside of blogging has some demands. Take care and hope your son starts feeling better! Hugs!

  21. I wish you and your family the best Trace. A stunning project!

  22. Great project. Love how you make regular items look amazing.

    Family is extrememly important. Hope your son feels better and I will miss you while you are "playing house"

    Happy Crafting

  23. A fabulous finale piece for CE Trace, it has all your signature hallmarks and I love the idea of a card in a bag. Thinking of you and the family, they always come first and remember to look after yourself too. Take care.
    hugs {brenda} x0x

  24. This is a super make and thanks for showing the details of the various steps. Sometimes we have to step back and take stock of how things are going and make decisions - all the best with your family which of course always has to take priority.

  25. Trace this is just beautiful, love the gold shimmer of that texture paste, so beautiful together with those brown tones.

    I am sure you will be sadly missed by those two teams, but I am sure you have made the right decision, family needs to come first!! Enjoy the time with your children and give them the support they need. We will miss you for sure but will be happy to see you and your beautiful work when you can!! Big hugs!!!

  26. It's an absolutely beautiful make, Trace... gorgeous gilded grungy loveliness! I think the paper bag works wonderfully.

    And I think the decision to give yourself a bit more space and time for family life and yourself is so right. They'll miss your style and skill at Creative Expressions, but how great that you plan to return to the Dragon team later.

    Take care of yourself, and no need at all to worry about comments and so on. It'll be lovely to see you wherever and whenever!
    Alison xx

  27. Great makes, very artistic look Trace...wish you all the best in your personal life and together with your family

  28. I do believe that this creation is one of your best! If anyone deserved a break you surely do. I have always loved following you and will continue to do so when you come back,
    So relax for a while and enjoy your children.

  29. The texture paste is again used in a beautiful way! Great ,akes again! Hope your son is getting better and know that your familly will enjoy more time with you! Inkygreetings and big hug, Gerrina

  30. I pray everything gets better for your son. You must always choose family...proud of you. We will always be here when you get back. Gorgeous card and every textured and vintage looking bit!

  31. Gorgeous project. I wish you & your family all the best.

  32. Great make Trace, a blinder to go out on. Enjoy your break and family time hun. See you soon.

  33. WOW WOW Trace such a beautiful Tag. Many details.
    lovely greet

  34. Will miss seeing your clever and stylish creations, always love how you make a neutral pallette sing. Take care of yourself and your family xx

  35. A good decision to have made Trace. Your work is always so special and must take hours to make each piece. I have been away for a long weekend so only just seen this post. Please don't feel you have to comment on my blog, though it is always good to hear from you. Your time is very precious for sure and your children will grow so quickly you will wonder where the years went :)

    Have fun

    Love Chrissie x

  36. Hi Trace
    I am so sad to hear that you have had to pull out from some of your DT posts. However I do understand your need and want to be with your children and I am sure you will all benefit from this time together.
    I love your make very you, great stamps and colours.
    I will be keeping an eye out for you and wish you and your family the very best.
    Ria xxxxx

  37. I am so sorry, Trace, that you have been having a difficult time and it has made you want to reduce your commitments a little but I'm sure it's the right thing: your talent will still be there when you return to DT land, probably better than ever after a breather, but the children won't stop growing up so you need to make the most of the time with them. Everyone will understand and be only too happy to see you when you are able to dip a toe in, and to welcome you back when you have more time in the future. Good luck with everything,

    Lucy x

  38. Ah, family come first Trace. You can't give your family those years back, but the art world will still be waiting for you when you're ready ....
    Beautiful effects on your last make here :-)
    Good luck x

  39. Wonderful last project for Creative Expressions. Family is always more important than the crafty things.

  40. Fabulous creation Trace...Love the colours & amazing design...You take good care of yourself & your lovely family hope to see you soon at Dragons Dream...Hugs May x x x

  41. Trace, I'm sorry to hear about your son. Sending every good wish his (and your) way. We'll be right here when you get back. Lovely creation today!


Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a means a lot..hope you like what you see. Trace x