
Saturday 26 October 2013

See you soon x

This is just a short post to say I will be taking a break from blogging for a month and want to thank all my design teams for their kindness and understanding.  Love my blog and want to give it  the time it deserves and the comments my blog friends deserve too...

so I have decided to take a month to catch my breath and come back to hopefully be a better blogging friend. 
I know I have neglected your blogs and comments and I am very sorry , life has been ....well let 's leave that and love you and leave you and say....

See you at the end of November ....some of my design teams have been very generous and  will not start again until January xx I want to thank everyone who has continued to comment and take the time to follow my blog .....

 Will be back to full commenting and visiting again then......

Have a fun and inky day !
Hugs Trace x 


  1. Trace, thinking of you and wishing you much strenght for what you need to do and deal with! We'll miss you, of course, but we all know that life can get in the way, and I am sure that I speak here on behalf of all of your blogging friends, that we totally understand! We all love you and your beautiful work and I for one look forward to when you are back in full swing. Meanwhile big hugs! xxx, and all the best!!!

  2. All the very best Trace, I hope life settles down for you and look forward to seeing you back soon. Sue C x

  3. Take your time and take care xx. Ill look forward to the return x

  4. Have a big rest Trace and I hope things work out for you and yours - big hugs hun! Rachel xxxx

  5. Enjoy your break Trace-will be thinking of you

    Love Chrissie x

  6. Take your time and wish you and your family well! See you when you´re ready! Hugs, Gerrina

  7. Family always comes first Trace. You take all the time you need and we'll all be here when you are settled again. Sending you the biggest of hugs and best wishes for the whole family. You are a special bunch. Jenny xxx

  8. No apologies needed, life comes first not blogs and sometimes we all need to step back for a while and focus on other things.
    I hope all is ok and look forward to your return in due course.

  9. Hope the break helps Trace. Sometime we have to take time out from things that are not so important. Enjoy your time out and I look forward to seeing you back refreshed and feeling good. Hugs Rita xxx

  10. Take care Trace...cherish yourself and your family..."see" you in a month or so :-) Toi toi

  11. Hope you'll soon be back in blog land Trace. I hope you get chance to re charge your batteries ! xx

  12. You'll be missed, but you have to take care of yourself. See you soon Trace.

  13. The end of November will be here before we know it -- a very well deserved break!

  14. Sweetie, do what you need to do to take care of life and yourself! The blogging world and DT work will be waiting eagerly! Hugs!

  15. Sending a hug your way Trace, take care of yourself.

  16. Hope you have a good rest.

    Hugs Eliza

  17. I know this must have been a difficult decision, and I do applaud you for taking the time away that you need. Of course we will miss you and your wonderful work, but I do hope that you find that this break gives you the space you need to deal with things arising in your life. Much love to you and the family.
    Alison xx

  18. I will miss you - but take care - take a break and I wish the very best to you and your family dear Trace!

  19. Hi Trace...............enjoy the time with the family and make sure you get a rest too. Catch up when you get back.
    Take care and best wishes

    Annie x


Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a means a lot..hope you like what you see. Trace x