
Friday 22 November 2013

Splattered Ink ... a new venture

Before I start I want to say hello again to all my friends in blogland, I am now back and grateful for my break.... Ready to blog, visit my friends and slowly start back up with some of my design teams, the rest will be after they have been very generous xx

I have been keeping my fingers inky...and busy making things for some craft fairs (okay I have done one!)

and here with a little bit of self promotion, sorry dont know how else to get my name out there here are some details of my little online shop xx :)...


Well they say nothing ventured nothing gained and I have ventured into opening a tiny little shop on facebook to sell some of my more main stream creations...and soon some that are not . Hopefully you can still see they are mine but they are a little different and made for the shop and craft fairs. I will give you a little taster and if you have time I would love it , if you would hop here and like my little venture....
If I reach 175 likes I will give away a piece and again at 200 likes. I will also post on here as I have a piece to give away for 150 likes .

here are a few of the goodies on offer, and here is the link for Splattered Ink Designs . 

there are lots of handmade cards and some christmas ones...

handmade calendars on paperboard and some on mdf bases

large , small and medium notebooks..

bookmarks backed on grungepaper and lots more...

Sorry for this self promotion! Not usually me , just trying to get my little shop out there in the wide world for all to see!

keep those fingers inky!
trace x


  1. I wish you all the luck in the world with your new venture Trace. What better place to promote it than on your wonderful blog

    Love Chrissie x

  2. If you don't promote yourself, others won't follow your lead gal...I wish you lick and fun in running your online shop!

  3. Lovely to see your blog post Trace, I am a big fan of your work and I hope your venture does well, it really should!!
    Life throws us curve balls and I hope the break you had helped.
    Look forward to seeing what you do next.
    Take care, hugs xxx

  4. Hi Trace....great to see you back and how wonderful to have an online's a great idea and you have to spread the word so go for it !!!! Best wishes with your venture

    Crafty hugs Annie x

  5. Well done you Trace!!! All your makes are amazing, love those book marks specially!! Good luck with your venture!! Off to like your page!

  6. Beautiful cards and tags Trace. Lovely to see you posting again. Hugs Rita xxxxxx

  7. Hi Trace, I wish you all the luck in the world with your new venture, if anyone deserves to do well, it is you! Big hugs, Anne x

  8. Congratulations Trace on your little shop, exciting. I will pass the word on for you. Love your creations . Best of luck. Welcome back to bogland. Tracy x

  9. Great to see you blogging again, hope all is well with you. Will pop over to your shop, sure it will be a success with such lovely goodies xx

  10. hope it all goes well Trace - good luck hun xx

  11. So pleased to see you here Trace and loving all your little handmade items. I wish you the very best with your shop, I am sure it will go well. Looking forward to seeing more.
    Hugs {brenda} x0x

  12. great to see you back, hope all is going well now or at leat on the right track ;)
    Good luck with the shop. I am sure people will love all your bits and bobs xx

  13. Nice to have you back and have missed your lovely blog visits! Best of luck with you new adventure, which no doubt will be very successful! Wonderful projects here today! Enjoy the weekend! Hugs!

  14. Wonderful makes. Good luck with your new venture.

  15. Read it with a smile, ´cause I have been thinking how I could sell some of the things I make... Have a fun weekend, Gerrina

  16. So happy to have you back. You've been missed. Nothing wrong with self promotion. I think a lot of designers open up shops or their own lines of paper and such. I love the bookmark of the lady because I love that stamp. Best of luck and see you here tomorrow!

  17. Good Luck Trace, I am sure you will do well. x

  18. Such an exciting new venture, Trace... and really no need to apologise - what are blogs for if not for a little self-promotion!? Your creations are just beautiful, and you deserve to do so well... Will be keeping my fingers firmly crossed for you - and would love to know how it all goes. Also delighted that you've got a Folksy outlet too, as I'm one of the few anti-Facebookers still holding out, so it was great to see you on Folksy!
    Alison xx


Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a means a lot..hope you like what you see. Trace x