
Monday 27 January 2014

farewell with my final piece for Creative Expressions

Well this is my final piece for Creative Expressions , as sadly for personal reasons I have made the decision to leave Creative Expressions Design team. I want to take the opportunity to thank all the people who I have had the pleasure of creating with and wish them well in their future creative endeavours.

Sometimes life has other plans for us and at the moment I need to devote more time to my family and in particular to my eldest son. (As many of you may or may not know my son was diagnosed with CFS and this condition has worsened and requires more of my time  )

So here without further ado is my final make for Creative Expressions:

I created a card here creating , hopefully a shop window feel to the make :

I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who stops by and leaves a comment or takes the time to follow my inky journey! 

As soon as life settles I promise I will catch up on all the missed visits!

I can no other answer make, but, thanks, and thanks.  ~William Shakespeare


  1. As a always a beautiful piece. I shall miss your CE makes Trace. Look forward to seeing what you do make though regardless of who it's for.

  2. Such a lovely way to sign off Trace. Love this peak into the boutique window. Thinking of you. Jenny x

  3. Always love to see your makes Trace and this is very beautiful.

    So sorry to hear your son's condition has got worse. No need to apologise for not commenting or anything else. A mum just knows what she has to do and when.

    Thinking of you.

    Love Chrissie x

  4. You really have created the most beautiful shop window Trace, all done with your usual flair and grace, it is a wonderful piece to finish on. So sorry you are leaving but it is totally understandable. You are in my thoughts. Big hugs, Anne xx

  5. I'm so sad to hear about your son's worsening condition, Trace!
    Of course he and your family need you now. I wish your son all the best for his health condition and you all the best in finding the perfect balance between being there for your son and family and re-gaining strength out of your creative hobby too from time to time. No need for you to apologize for "lack of commenting" - I know exactly how it is when life gets in the way. Take care!

    Claudia x

  6. A beautiful card, I love the crackle window.
    Don't worry about not commenting, we all understand.
    xxx Hazel.

  7. This is beautiful! Sorry your son has CFS, I fully understand as I am a fellow sufferer. I hope he can get the help he needs and make sure you take care of yourself too! I am following you now so I can see more of your fab work when you are back and hear how your son is. Take care xx

  8. A great farewell piece.
    Amanda x

  9. Jenny is right Trace what a lovely sign off from a Design Team. Your last DT make is beautiful and chic.

    Missed visits is the least of your worries and I am sure everyone understands. Take care sweets x x

    Warm crafty hugs from Shirl x x

  10. A wonderful farewell piece Trace, such a wonderful idea and great use of that window die! Love the gorgeous crackle. I am sure you will be very sadly missed at CE, but in my book family always comes first.... No need to ever apologize either! Sending big hugs and all the very best for your son!!! Hang in there xoxo

  11. Gorgeous creation Trace...Your right your family comes first... your son needs you... we will all be here when you have the time to create.....take care... Hugs May x x x

  12. Stunning card .i wish you all the best for you and your son.

  13. a beautiful card Trace and so sorry to hear about your son's condition worsening - sending you big hugs and hoping that things get better soon! Rachel xx

  14. Stunning project as always and so sorry to hear that your son's condition has worsened xx will keep looking at your blog for inspiration and I hope all works out as you would want for both yourself and your son xx GailT xx

  15. A fabulous final piece Trace - it really is a shop window! Thinking of you and hoping things settle down for you soon x

  16. Trace - really sorry to hear your son's condition has worsened. Your love and care will help him enormously, and no matter what - family has to come first. Remember, however, that you do need 'me' time as well whatever it is. Love Valxx

  17. A lovely piece to go out on Trace :) hope things improve for your son
    Take care
    Von ♥

  18. I'm sure you'll be sorely missed as your work is always so lovely - but family comes first doesn't it? Hugs Cindy x

  19. A beautiful project, love the view through the dress shop window.
    Take care, thinking of you all.
    Yvonne x

  20. This is so beautiful, Trace. I love the crackle and the lovely subtle hues. Although we have not met, my heart goes out to you as a mum. My son was diagnosed with Aspergers last April and he has been struggling with depression. He is very gradually coming out of a terribly dark time. Your love and support will mean so much. Thinking of you both. Julie Ann xxx

  21. Hi Trace...........this is stunning with such wonderful detail. I am sorry that you are having to leave Creative Expressions DT as I enjoyed viewing your wonderful makes. I do hope that your son's condition improves. Sending huge hugs to you and your family.

    Annie x

  22. All the best to you and your family, Trace. Love this card. A beautiful way to sign off CE.

  23. Wonderful elegant feminin creation. I wish you and yours the best.
    Hugs Anja

  24. Not a verry happy discision, but good for more peace and time at home... Love this peace and think it is "tres chic"! Enjoy your week, Gerrina

  25. So sorry to hear that things have been getting worse, and of course this is the right decision. I'm sure they will miss your great talent and lovely makes - this is a beautiful finale.

    Sending you lots of love, and don't ever worry about missed visits.
    Alison xx

  26. Trace, no doubt you will be very missed! What a gorgeous creation and beautiful way to exit! Love the window frame and that crackle! Hugs!

  27. Hi Trace, it's a beautiful piece and an inspired way to use the window die. I hope you find balance in your current situation and I'm sending good thoughts and hugs to you and your family.

  28. Fabulous card, I especially like the crackle on the window.
    I hope everything with the family improves soon.

  29. Gorgeous project Trace. Wishing you & your son all the best.

  30. Beautiful soft and feminine make Trace, even the stencilled bricks are gentle.

    I'm familiar with the illness and know how severe it can be. Thinking of you and wishing your son much improved health very soon.

    Warm hugs to you,
    Nicola x

  31. Your card is very chic Trace, such a fabulous design looking in through the window. Love it. xx

  32. This is a beautiful creation as always Trace. Love the crackle on the window frame and the lovely soft colours. You certainly achieved your goal of a shop window feel! Sad that this is your final creation for Creative Expressions DT but no one knows better than I how 'real' life takes priority. For now your son needs you .... we and crafting will still be here when you have time!

    Lesley Xx

  33. oh how cool!!! You do such awesome work!


Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a means a lot..hope you like what you see. Trace x