
Monday 17 February 2014

Just for me do I love theee let me count the ways......

Well this is just for me , so that I can save the details of this post found here... for  I was thrilled, proud, giddy as a kipper and more to have been awarded one of Tim's blogworthy links and want to say a huge thanks to Tim Holtz for that!

Wow how lucky am I .......... I cannot even begin to say how thrilled I am so thanks and thanks to everyone for all their kind words , crafters truly are the most lovely people...
so just for me and no need to comment is the post that got me that link... ( I have out it on here as it was a post I did for Countryviewcrafts....)

Well it is time for me to post another make and this time I have gone for a little ATC book, made from scratch using Tim dies and tissue tape...along with lots more distress goodness. I have filled my little book full of hearts each using a different technique but this could be filled in all sorts of ways. So here my make and how I created it.

and open...

So I started by cutting 12 ATC die cuts from ivory cardstock and tow from grey board ( for the cover ). I glued a piece of card onto each side of the two grey board covers and also glued all the ATC die cuts in pairs to give a double thickness. (Hope that make sense?) . I then added colour using distress paints on my craft sheet, lots of smooshing and drying later they had a base of colour.

Then I attached each page together using Tim Holtz tissue tape together  on each side...make sure you leave a tiny gap between the pieces so that they can fold shut ..

Now for the background stamping on the pages... I used soft colours and a variety of stamps for this stage ...staring with lighter coloured distress inks  ( here using Halloween script stamp, I also used pumice stone for some numbers ...

And completed the book by stamping the flourish in black soot distress ink.When dry I edged the pages in aged mahogany.

Now for the hearts ...I went a bit mad and decided to create each of my hearts using a different Tim technique/product but really you could add whatever you like and then selected chit chat stickers that said what I wanted... so here is a whistle stop tour of the hearts ...

here I used a mosaic technique and picket fence resist.
(edging hearts in black soot distress ink really gives them a lift)

shattered stains and  an embossed heart 

embossed metal technique and shabby chic technique from Creative Chemistry 102

Wendy vecchi paste through stencil and some distress glitter coloured up with stains

Stamping and inking and then Wendy Vecchi paste layered thick and coloured when dry with Distress

An old book page and rock candy glitter coloured with distress stain

and altogether...

all tied together with seam binding dyed with distress stain :

well hope you like my jam packed little make ...maybe you will be inspired to make one for a special occasions...if you do let me know I would love to see!

keep those fingers inky ... and enjoy that creative journey...I sure am !
Trace x 


  1. You are NOT lucky Trace but you ARE talented. I think I told you that Mr. Tim needs to put you on his pay roll. This is one amazing little book --
    sandy xx

  2. Fabulous news and well deserved. Love your little ATC book it's beautiful.
    Amanda x

  3. Trace, I totally loved this little book the moment I saw it. That blogworthy was so very well deserved!!!!

  4. Hi Trace, you so deserve the accolade, Tim clearly loves your work and so he should, because it is always amazing! Hugs, Anne x

  5. Wow Trace! Many, many congratulations on your fabulous surprise which is so very well deserved.
    A really gorgeous creation too and sorry for not visiting much lately - still trying to catch up after being mega busy at work over the last couple of months.
    Fliss x

  6. Congrats - well deserved :) A fabulous project.

  7. well done,hun could not have happened,to a more,talented,and nicer crafter than,you as you know I am huge fan of your work,and this is simply,stunning hun really chuffed for you hugs Cherylxxxx

  8. huge Congratulations on your Blogworthy Link from Tim...truly deserved as your creations are amazing Trace. Love your ATC book, beautifully pieced together. Fabulous details. TFS

    annie x

  9. Love your book, Trace. Hugely well deserved Blogworthy link!!!

    Lucy x

  10. this is just wonderful Trace - and i'm so thrilled for you - what a wonderful accolade xx

  11. Definitely not luck-well deserved I think--Congratulations! I loved this when I first saw it and have even planned to make a book in that style after seeing yours. You are an inspiration Trace

    Love Chrissie x

  12. Yay for you! What a boost and so well deserved! LOVE this accordion beauty!

  13. Huge congrats again... and I have to echo the others who've said not luck but talent - this is an outstanding project and definitely Blogworthy!!
    Alison xx

  14. That tissuepaper gives it just the beautiful background.... What a lot great hearst! Hugs and have a good week, Gerrina

  15. Many congrats Trace. You thoroughly deserve the honour, as you've proved with this accordion book, it is wonderful.


Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a means a lot..hope you like what you see. Trace x