
Friday 14 March 2014

enjoy the journey for Tag Friday over at A Vintage Journey

Well this is a one off Tag Friday once the normal routine takes place over at A Vintage Journey  , the second Friday in the challenge fortnight will see the announcement of the  the winner of the previous challenge and  see a project from a previous winner as a guest Creative Traveller. But as we aren't quite into the cycle yet we are having Tag Friday where we are sharing some Tim style tags for inspiration.....

So here is mine:

Now I make no secret of not only my love for all things Tim Holtz and distress but tags...I just love them ...the shape the hole at the top ....they are just so much fun to create and play me they are a perfect playtime make. So what better than not one but two tags layered one on top of the other...twice the fun!

So here is the how to :

I started with a #10 tag and distress stains. I applied some frayed burlap , pumice stone and a little walnut stain to my craft sheet, spritzed my tag and swiped through the lovely stainy droplets..I then dried the tag, scuffed the edges using my trusty tonic edge distressing tool and that's the start of layer one.

Then I added some tissue tape and some yummy rub ons, finally edging with walnut stain distress ink and setting aside.
Now take a #8 tag and add a piece of embossed card (using airmail texture fade ) to the top...tearing the bottom edge creates another great texture. i then inked the tag with walnut stain. I then spritzed some water in my palm and flicked onto surface of the tag ...a cool Tim technique. When left for a few seconds dry with heat tool and larger droplets can be dabbed off if desired.
I added some more tissue tape and some more rub ons to echo the base tag.

Now for the details..I made two hearts ( die cut using movers and shapers die and embossed with the gears texture fade). when embossed I covered with a thin layer of rock candy distress crackle and left it to do its magic.then when dry applied some stains onto it and dried and then inked edges with walnut stain. this is a version of Tim Holtz shattered stains...found here on Tims tag for July 2013.

I added chit chat stickers with mini staples using the attatcher which I just love!

 All the rub ons and themes echoed the travel through life and journey theme, treasuring those memories as we travel our own journey . Following my heart and treasuring my family is definitely a strong influence in my life .
Finally one of the new idea-ology arrows...another love ..think I will be needing lots!

a word band and some trusty rusty wire..

 a muse token and some dyed seam binding finish my double layered tag.

well make sure you stop off here to see some more tags full of inspiration .


  1. Trace...your vintage tag is so pretty. I love the smaller tag stacked on top of the larger one. What a great level of dimension that adds! Love the embossed compass. Love your colors that you've used and I love how you have collaged everything into such a detailed and lovely tag. <3 Candy

  2. Great tag Trace. I love the double tag idea too. Hugs Rita xxx

  3. Awesome vintage tag, Trace! The background is wonderful and I love the embossed compass! That crackle over the embossed hearts is gorgeous! Wish I had thought of that recently with some embossing I did, but will remember! Love you tag! Hugs!

  4. So much gorgeous detail and wonderful textures and colours. I love your double tag xx

  5. such gorgeousness Trace - I love the textures and colour tone - so much of a treat you ladies at a vintage journey have given me this morning - thankyou xx

  6. Fabulous tag Tracy so much texture and detail love it!

  7. Your tag is just fabulous Trace and so very you. I particularly love the hearts done in the shattered stains technique, they are amazing. A really beautiful tag. Hugs, Anne xx

  8. Stunning tag Trace, - I so love the gorgeous muted colours you have used and that wonderful embossed background. The whole feel of it all is so beautiful and those crackled hearts just finish it off to perfection!!

  9. Terrific tag with great Tim Style but also Trace additions as well.

    Love Chrissie x

  10. Love, love, love the embossing and those beautiful little hearts Trace. A gorgeous tag. Jenny x

  11. So much details...took me some time to look at it... It's a beauty! Have a fun weekend, Gerrina

  12. Another work of art Trace - love this! Chris xxx

  13. Wonderful tag. love the harts, they look so pretty.
    Thanks for showing Anneke.

  14. Such a wonderful double tag Trace - the colours and the details are just fabulous (as always). x

  15. Love the neutral pallette and all the lovely layers in this xx

  16. What a brilliant tag, Trace - such fabulous use of the embossing folders - both that compass and for those amazing crackled hearts. Love the wire binding for the word band, and all the brilliant chitchat sticker banners - altogether just fantastic!!
    Alison xx

  17. Awesome tag! Love the brown colors, really gives a vintage feel!

  18. Great tag! The details are awesome. The embossing on the top tag is lovely, (another folder I'll need to pick up). I love the texture on the hearts too, how the embossed detail still shows through the crackle and ink. Alexandra x

  19. Fantastic tag, so many super details to see.

  20. Wow!!!!!! That is stunning Trace, the hearts look amazing.

  21. Hi TRace.....Your layered tag is much wonderful detail. Love those arrows and guess what....the lovely Postman just dropped some through my letterbox.......amazing!!

    Still pinching myself to be on this fab journey with you and our other roomies

    Have a lovely weekend
    Annie xx

  22. I'm missing words, that's a breathtaking tag - love all the details.

  23. Inspiring tag! wonderful background and fab details! BArbarayaya

  24. Awesome! I could spend hours on your blog!


Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a means a lot..hope you like what you see. Trace x