
Sunday 1 July 2012

i need to learn to dance in the rain!

I have been really lacking in confidence in my work of late and wonder why i have got hooked into blogging ... 
it seems a strange passtime for me as i am never sure if what i have done is any good, would love to find a little place in crafty land and yet..lack confidence in myself..weird eh?
anyway here is a  jouurnal page..i have been playing with in the last few weeks:

have a fun and inky day!


  1.'s like a rich inky rain streaking down the pages, each blue droplet creating its own path...loVe what you have created here Trace, super image & cute crackle hearts...Mel :)
    Your not alone, I think we all from time to time lack confidence in ourselves & our work and especially in our creativity...keep doing what your doing and keep smiling...I for one loVe your creations...Mel :)

    1. Thank so much ! I appreciate you kindness and all your comments..your work is amazing so thanks and glad you like my pieces! Guess we all have times when we doubt ourselves thanks trace x

  2. Ooh, Trace - I think we all lack confidence and we all need to learn to dance in the rain. It's not easy some of the time... but ooh, your work is fab and really inspiring. Perhaps our biggest challenge is to accept ourselves 'as we are'! Great pages, btw. Big hugs x

    1. Thanks so much, yes accepting ourselves sometimes is hard! Trace x

  3. wow - this is wonderful - and Oh so true - for me!!! Brilliant use of colour and words - love it! Hugs rachel xx

  4. Oh Trace, you should not lack in confidence, I so look forward to seeing your beautiful creations and can only aspire to your dizzy heights of creativity. You have amazing ideas which you seem to be able to put down on paper/card. This creation is lovely, I love the way you have let the ink run, it looks random but lovely at the same time. The fact that you are having any anxiety shows that you do not take things for granted - keep coming up with these brilliant ideas, you deserve to be taken notice of! Crafty hugs, Anne xx

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words..means a lot! You are so sweet trace x

  5. I love this Trace, it does look like rain as the paint is streaking down the page. I love the tape down the middle too. The stamp is just awesome and the hearts are brilliant. Which ink did you use? Wonderful work. Michelle x

  6. Just a fabulous page, the background is perfect for the sentiment.

  7. Oh this is cool! You do fabulous work! I think we all go through the "is this any good" stage. I know I do. :)

  8. A stunning page trace... I adore your drippy background!
    Alison xxx

  9. Hi Trace, please do not lack confidence your artwork is fabulous. We all feel like this sometimes I can assure you but these journal pages and your other art work just go to show that you have nothing to worry about at all. Give yourself a pat on the back for publishing such wonderful pieces for a whole year. Long may you continue. Please enjoy every piece you make it's a delight to stop by. Tracy x

  10. know the feeling, strange to say such a thing but is nice to know others feel the same way as you do at times and not think everyone else is having a ball out there! Love your pages. A Soul searching kinds page if you don't mind me saying. Carolxx

  11. Hey Trace,

    I love your journal page! I think we all lack confidence (in different degrees) and are our worst critics. I look at what other people do and am blown away - all. the. time! You my friend, are very talented! I'm glad I found you as you inspire me!!

    I'm sitting in Starbucks (another air conditioned place), visiting my favorite blogs. We are having a heat wave here right now.


  12. Hi Trace,
    I'm so sad to hear you're going through a low patch... but I'm sure it will only be temporary, and it is the sign of a true artist to keep questioning and keep searching. From the outside, I can only say that I've fallen in love with every piece of yours that I've seen. And this journal page is no exception - to be able to turn your doubts into such a work of art is a gift, and you have it in abundance.

  13. Oooh Trace, this is beautiful, I love your inky drippy background. You have no reason to doubt yourself 'cos your work is amazing. I guess it's like Tom Jones still getting nervous before a performance, it shows that you still want to do your best x

  14. Trace, you have nothing to feel un confident about, your work is awesome, I do know what you mean though The whole blog thing seems so weird to me, I thought I would never be able to show anything I made, but the people around me (on the online workshop I took) really helped me to start a blog. If I had not I would have missed out on seeing so many fantastic and creative blogs, yours being one of them. It is so easy to be hard on our selves. I still struggle with getting compliments that have been paid to me on my work, It feels very alien.The main thing is to enjoy the process. Your work looks like you are. this page is fab, the simplicity of one image and colour make it that much better for me, the bg effect really gives you the feeling of water running down a window.
    look forward to seeing whats next, mark

  15. Dont ever doubt yourself, your work is incredible, really it is. This piece is amazing you have depicted the rain and the splotchiness of it and the bubbles perfectly. I get it straight away and to make things better it is not over the top, just perfect.


  16. Fabulous pages Trace.. love how you have used the colours.. simply Brillant like all your fab work... I look foward to your creations... so no need to doubt yourself.. your work is AmAzing... Hugs May x x x

  17. You know I think we all go through those thoughts and doubt ourselves! When I do that, I remember why I do this and it is for the fun and love of this craft! Please don't doubt yourself, because your art is you and that is pretty awesome! Love this journal page and that fabulous background is perfect for the theme!

  18. I think we all need to learn to dance in the rain Trace at the moment! lol Lovely card though! Thanks for stopping by my Blog today too. Judy x

  19. No need to lack confidence Trace, I for one find your work inspiring, love stoping by your gorgeous blog. This journal page is so effective from the quote and the colours along with the DW stamp ... love it. x

  20. Ahh Trace, don't fear, no need to lack confidence your work is lovely. We all have our low confidence times, you will move through it and come out the other end stronger! Kim

  21. This is fabulous! I LOVE this--I don't think you give yourself credit! HUGS and hope for more mojo sent your way!!! :)

  22. I love this page with that cool Dina stamp. Your work is great, girl!!! Don't doubt it, just keep on creating!

  23. Don't doubt!!! Have you seen the result at Stampman??? You should email me... might be a good thing


Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a means a lot..hope you like what you see. Trace x