
Wednesday 4 July 2012

woyww #161, a journal page and some candy!

well another week andother wednesday and time for that midweek time coutersy of our hostess Julia, we can fly around the creative placs and spaces and see what crafty people are up to...
i would have put my whole desk but blogger is not playing!!! so here is the journal page i have just finsihed:

i have been playing with gesso and stencils..
and ranger metal...
i am really pleased with how it turned out in the end but think
it needs something else!?
right i am off here  to get crafty spaces hopping!

before i go thaks to everyone for the lovely comments they left on my last rather flat post!!!THANKS!!!
have a fun and inky week

oh and dont forget i still have blog candy..see post above!


  1. I really like your retro heart with the steel rivets looks so cool. Sandy :) #44

  2. Great journal page, I like the why you've used the metal in your journal which gives more texture , Thanks for following me . Happy Crafting jill #43

  3. Awesome journal page. Love the colors and the detailing. Have a great week. vickie #36

  4. Hi there. Nice to pop in and see your creative world this week. I won't stay long; don't want to give you my cold! Hope you have a good creative week though. Like the page; if you put shadows around the images it makes a difference to them. I use charcoal and a paper stump to blend. it adds depth.....just a suggestion.
    Neil # 33

  5. ...oh wow Trace, these pages are super, lurve the metal heart how cool is that!! & the silver wings are sooo eye catching, you could put this in for Hel's sunday Stampers the theme is Silver...gorgeous work have a super day...Mel :) #46

  6. pesky that journal page though.

  7. Great stuff... sorry about blogger!!! what a pain. Fab pages. Your site is looking really super these days. Finished yet? Have a good week
    Frankie #16

    1. Yes my blog is finished now! Thanks trace x. Glad u like it, my art and susies hard work!

  8. Lovely! You always create such artistic work Trace, and I am in total awe! Judy x

  9. What a gorgeous journal - have fun with the rest of the pages. Just quickly popping by between hospital visits to see what you're all doing! Have fun on WOYWW. Karen T, 77 x

  10. Wow, Trace, lovely pages, you have used my most favourite embossing folder on your metal heart, I love it! Have a great week, Crafty hugs, Anne x #49

  11. great page! love the metal heart!

  12. fab page Trace - I think space is something that should sometimes be left - be brave - you don't have to fill it up! Hugs rachel xx

  13. What a lovely page, the colours are so delicate

    Jakix #83

  14. I think it is super, love that embossing folder. BJ#18

  15. Love the journal pages you've made. The colour is great and all the stamped dots makes the pages much more interesting. Love the metals too. Thanks for sharing and have a crafty week. Bye, Franka #34

  16. Fantastic pages, the colors are great and the heart looks wonderful.

  17. Fabulous work on your journal Trace. TFS. Enjoy your Day. Hugs Rita xxx

  18. I like it, but I would add more. But then I do that - I just never know when to STOP. :)

    But I do like the soft and pretty colouring and the gesso dots.

    MA (1)

  19. Your page is looking great. I love that metal heart. I've just started my first journal page, taken the plunge at last, but it's slow going!! I think I need some lessons from you.
    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lisax #91

  20. Love your journal pages Trace, colour is so pretty. If you think it needs a bit more why not add another word to the bottom of the right-hand page.
    Thanks for visiting me.
    Ann B

  21. Really must get that folder I love the rivetting. What about some contrast in the odd corner - just bubblewrap or something to add some depth.
    Hugs and thanks for visiting me - Neet #3 xx

  22. Fab journal page. Thanks for your comment on my blog. Hope you have a good week. Hazel WOYWW #20 x

  23. Love that journal page, especially the metal.
    Have a great week.
    Von #32

  24. Wow! love the journal page, the colours are great, can't think of anything you could add i'm afraid. April #88

  25. Great journal page! I wouldn't know where to even begin journalling :( Happy WOYWW, Di xx #5

  26. Wonderful journal pages it is fun seeing so many crafters starting to do art journal pages. Yours has lots of lovely texture, did you use stamps or the old bubble wrap?
    Sandra @99

  27. Loving the spotty dots... never been sure whether I'd like to get dots (stamps or templates), but strongly tempted now!

  28. Great pages, Trace, and like you, I love messing about with stencils and gesso and paint and ink and... and... and...!!! No end to the experimenting once you get started!

    Thanks for your nice comment on my blog. I'm definitely feelng better now, thank you, and feeling chuffed that I've got my ATCs finished and those who have sent me their address will be getting theirs very soon!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #25

  29. I love to see all the different techniques folks use in their journalling. Your pages are fab. x Jo

  30. This is lovely. Love that colour!

    Lucy x

  31. Hey that layout is really cool, the color great and the metal element just perfect. Thanks for sharing, make sure you post what it is that is missing when you work it out. LOL

    Eliza #22

  32. Wonderful journal page!! I love that you used staples!! I love using them too!

  33. Love this journal page! That metal heart is so cool and really pops! I keep wanting to start a journal, but am clueless as to where to start! Have fun!

  34. love your journal page
    TFS Happy WOYWW xx Charlie.xx #72

  35. I’ve never attempted an art journal myself but keep seeing them everywhere so you never know… day may be.
    Definitely loving yours, especially the metal elements.

    Happy Crafting!

    Sue x
    # 62

  36. Loving the journal pages, i am just starting to get into gesso and stencilling too. Happy WOYWW. x

  37. I love the rivets effect on the metal - that's clever and really funky!!
    Hugs, LLJ #60 xx

  38. Great journal page, I love the heart.

  39. Great journal page and I wouldn't say you're lacking anything at all, your ideas are wonderful. It's now too hot and humid to be outside so I'm off to see if I can do something about that too tidy space of mine!

    Brenda 7

  40. Fab journal page. Hugs Pam x

  41. Lovely and very beautiful pages Trace. Love the color and composition, also the metal details. marvelous
    Lovely greet

  42. Ooh this is fab, I love the metal! Thanks for visiting me today, hope you have had a great Wednesday! Sarah (78)

  43. happy woyww, another fab page, I really must do more in the way of pages. the metal heart is cool, I love that embossing folder. happy crafting, hope your feeling more up beat today, mark

  44. Love the journal page. Especially the metal plate. @17

  45. I know what it's like to have trouble with pesky Mr. Blogger. He's a rat fink. Too bad you couldn't show your area, but your journal is fascinating! Thanks for the visit to my place! Darnell #35

  46. Nice use of metal tape on the page and great colours.
    Thanks for visiting my desk
    Kyla #54

  47. Fabulous work Trace, love the elements and background.
    hugs {brenda} xox

  48. Hi there, great journal page ... love the metal steampunkish heart and the blend of colours on the page ... is that bubble wrap inking I see :) Happy WOYWW, Elizabeth x #85

    1. It is a stencil with gesso and one of the Tim holtz stamps , trace. X

  49. Loving the journal page and the visit to your blog x Thanks for stopping by mine today xx

  50. Great use of the gesso and the metal! Love how the art journal page turned out. Thanks for sharing! Happy WOYWW! -Amanda x45

  51. happy WOYWW your journal page...hugs kath xxx

  52. Hiya Trace, sorry i'm late, don't know where yesterday went, Love your journal page especially the metal
    Hugz Minxy #19

  53. I do love those wings. thanks for popping by earlier
    caroline (akilli melek) #86

  54. fab pages Trace! I kind of agree with Neil - either some shadow as he suggests, or maybe a little dark distress ink blended into the edges or corners, just to ground it all. It seem to.....float... Fab work though!

    Thanks for stopping by.

  55. Hi Trace,

    I've had my share of fights with Mr. Blogger. I hate the new style and revert to the old style as often as I can. I'll be a wreck when I can't do that anymore.

    Your journal page looks perfect just the way it is! Don't you love the feel of gesso!

    Thanks for stopping by already!!

    Kay #27

  56. Wow looking good - I wouldn't presume to suggest anything, looks good to me. Thanks for popping in to see me this week, Cindy #69

  57. Love your pages. Fab colours.
    Happy WOYWW.

  58. Hi Trace thanks for popping in to see me. I materialised one of the tags I sketched! It is on my blog if you want to take a peek. Your journal pages are fab but I think you should add a bit of doodling - maybe to frame the pages. The metal work is great. WOYWW Hugs from Helen 64

  59. Great journal page - thanks for sharing and visiting me.

  60. Oh boy I'm late visiting this week...but what's new I ask myself?
    Anyway, I'm here now and love that journal page especially the metal!
    Brilliant...thanks for sharing. Finger's crossed blogger will let me post my comment :$
    Have a great crafty week ~ enjoy! Neesie #29

  61. Fab journal pages (I wish I could do stuff like that).Hope you have a good week - Hazel, WOYWW #124 x


Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and leave me a means a lot..hope you like what you see. Trace x